Flashbacks and Duffel Bags

Start from the beginning

so i did.

then the door of the house opened and ellie walked out the door saying goodbye to her mam. wonder where her lovely dad is.

no niall he is a nice man and he doesn't hurt ellie's family.

"hey boys! and niall" she said giving me a judgy look.


"okkkkk. let's start walking then yeah" liam smiled.

my side hurt a little bit as i walked up the painful hill up to the school. especially after the stupid irish one decided to hit me with his duffle bag. i tried to not make it obvious but i let out a shriek and held my side as soon as the bag hit me.

thankfully no one noticed apart from niall and maybe liam i wasn't too sure but niall definitely did because his face turned white and he said sorry like 20 times. "i'm fine just uh you know um cramps?" i lied. was that a good excuse?

i quickly ran to the bathrooms were i threw up right as i got in there. unfortunately eleanor and her 'besties' were there doing their lipstick.

"oh look poor ellie spewed up in the bathroom" eleanor laughed. her minions followed. i don't even know their names to be honest. dumb and dumber?

"i don't know what is more uglier the puke or your face" she said brushing her shoulder of ellie's walking past heading towards the door. "come on girls" she clapped and dumb and dumber walked past her giggling.

i had enough so i pulled the shorter one of thems pigtails making her fall into my vomit. "oops sorry next time maybe don't let your master call this beauty ugly again. understood." i said firmly and the girl just nodded.

but she was right. i was ugly. probably why i hadn't got a boyfriend yet. nearly everyone had one EVEN the outcasts! at least i had 4 of the greatest best friends ever. yeah i had other friends that were girls from football and all but harry, liam, zayn and louis are really honestly great. especially louis. he's the best cousin you could ever ask for. especially when the drama between me and kiera happened.

"hey kiera what should i wear to the party you know i have no fashion sense at all" i smiled looking in the wardrobe. kiera stood up beside me and looked in with me. "you really don't" she giggled.

we were getting ready for zayns 14th birthday party. every girl had a MAJOR crush on him. except for me. i had eyes for someone else. but i pretended i had a crush on zayn. if someone knew about my crush i would be bullied.

"this would look cute on you!" she said handing me a yellow dress.

the comment made me blush. yes i had a crush on my best friend. who's a girl. i didn't think i was fully gay though bi-curious maybe. i was young, 13 in fact and confused. i had only developed feelings for kiera in the last few months but she moved her a year and a half ago by now.

"try it on!" she giggled. "ok" i said walking towards the door. "where are you going?" she asked. "uh the bathroom to like ch-change" i said looking a bit confused. wasn't that like obvious.

"here's fine. i won't judge you or anything. i'll turn around" she smiled.

what now?

"oh uh ok" i said still a bit confused, she hadn't turned around yet.

i figured she wasn't going to so i took off my t-shirt and threw the dress on quicker than i had ever done before. i kept on my shorts as the dress was just under my knee. i looked in the mirror and smiled.

i did look quite nice. "sooo?" i asked doing a spin. kiera stood up. "you look very pretty ellie" she smiled. then i realised how close we were. i was so tempted to kiss her but i couldn't. she liked zayn remember and so do i i tried telling myself. i shook the thought of kissing her out of my head and smiled "thank you" i said before hugging her. "right ok what will make me look hot so zayn will notice me" kiera said looking in the wardrobe. "how about this?" she said taking out a familiar dark blue dress. " i- uh i that's my um" i took a deep breath in. "that's the dress i wore at um the f-funeral" i stuttered. "my dads." i said a bit quieter. "so? i'll look so hot in it and zayn will pick me over everyone" she said putting the dress up to her. "i-" is all i could say before she took off her top and was wearing nothing under. this made me cringe a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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