To Leeds

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Today was the day that Nikki had decided to head to Leeds for a forensic pathologist conference where she is due to give a talk on her facial reconstruction experience. Nikki would be leaving Jack with Katy for a whole weekend, although she saw this as a brilliant opportunity to take a well-earned beak she knew deep down that she would miss them both dearly.

"Now are you sure you don't want me to stay?" Nikki quizzes as she heads to the front door with her small cabin-sized suitcase.
"No, go we will be fine together, just what we need some Daddy-Daughter bonding, All will be good as long as she doesn't have an explosive nappy," Jack grins as he bounces his daughter on his hip.

Nikki smiles and cups Katy's cheeks brushing her hair backward, recently Katy's hair had become darker and thicker naturally causing the hair to curl and drop. "Be a good girl for Daddy, I love you lots," She smiles showering her daughter in kisses.
She kisses Katy's head once again and then looks up at her husband "Plenty of breast milk in the freezer, I've filled up a few jars of blended food for her in the freezer too, don't feed her too late or she will be sick..." She starts but Jack quickly kisses her lips to silence her.

"Go alright, I know what I am doing... I know the routine. We will survive for a weekend," Jack mumbles against her lips.
"I give it an hour and you will be calling my Mum for help," Nikki smirks as she kisses him once again and takes a step back.

"Go your taxi is waiting!" Jack chuckles as he demands her to leave the house before she becomes late.

Jack smiles as he watches her pick up her cabin case and walk out the front door, she nods to the taxi driver who is sat patiently for her. She turns back and looks at Jack and Katy, "I love you both so much," She sighs not taking her eyes off her daughter.

Stepping forwards she kisses Katy on her head and briefly inhales the perfect baby smell she holds. Looking up at Jack he rolls his eyes at her, "Go, I love you too but go you are going to be late," Jack chuckles and pulls Nikki into a quick hug and kisses her on the lips in the process.

She sighs and picks up her case once again and walks over to the taxi, getting in the back with the small case, "King's Cross station please," Nikki speaks to the driver as she takes one last look at her Husband and Daughter.
As they pull away Jack grabs Katy's small arm as she rests against his chest and helps her to wave as she leaves. Once out of sight Jack steps back into the house as it's cold out and shuts the front door, and carries his daughter back through to the lounge and sitting her back down in the ball pit she had been playing in previously allowing Jack time to sort out Katy's lunch that Nikki had prepared earlier that day.

Meanwhile, Nikki had just arrived at King's Cross train station. Paying the driver she steps out of the taxi and grabs her suitcase, making sure she has all her personal belongings she heads into the train station and grabs herself a coffee from the nearest coffee shop.

Walking down the train station she comes near to where her train will be boarding from in the next half hour, taking a seat down on the benches nearby she pulls her phone out and sighs happily as she looks at her lock screen of Katy.

After a few minutes of checking her emails on her phone, she looks up and around at her surroundings, she notices a man looks over at her with a smile on his face being polite Nikki smiles back at him sipping her coffee she looks down at her phone and notices a message from Jack has appeared.

Clicking on the message she is met by a photo of Katy sat in her highchair with pureed food all around her mouth, chuckling to herself she types back and then places her phone in her pocket. "You don't miss it until it's gone," A voice speaks causing Nikki to jump a mile, she turns to see the man who was sat opposite her now sat beside her.

She steadies herself and just nods at his comment, sitting there a little while she notices the bag between the man's legs, something about it didn't add up and made her feel rather uncomfortable. Looking around the station she notices toilets and gets up with her bag and walks off towards the toilets, looking over her shoulder she watches the man pick his bag up and smile.

Suddenly there is a loud bang before she could react she thrown to the floor, debris showering her completely. She couldn't hear she was just left with a deafening ringing in her ears, slowly she rolls onto her back she had been thrown some distance across the floor sitting up she looks around; the entire platform was ruined people lay around her some moving others not.

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