| Chapter 14 | Getting The Groove |

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"What hell do you think you're doing?"

Huh. Somebody was actually awake like you were. His tone of voice sort of scared you, but you could tell he didn't have bad intentions.


"Water.." You mumble, pointing towards the cabinet you were about to open. He placed his own breakfast down on a seperate counter, "Get back down, I'm getting it for you."

He really didn't want to risk you accidentally falling off the counter. It was fairly high off the ground. Well, atleast for you. Falling off wouldn't hurt him but it would most certainly hurt you.

You did as you were told, and you watched as he opened the cabinet and got a plastic cup for you. He then put water in it, quickly handed it to you, and proceeded to continue whatever he was doing before he ran into you.

"Thanks..." You say, slowly walking away. That entire thing felt awkward and you wanted to curl up into a ball by yourself.

Or, just get away from this current situation in general.

"Don't thank me." He sternly replies, sitting down to eat his breakfast. You mentally note not to thank him next time, and walk off back to the elevator.

"Oh- the chair." You exclaim internally, putting the cup down on a table nearby and running toward it. You hastily grab the chair and drag it down the hallway.

You finish the cup of water while sitting on your chair, and then stretch once again while wondering what to do. "I should put the chair back.." You decide, dragging your chair down the hallway yet again.

"Hey, hey! What'd you guys do to Togata? Didja know that we need to borrow him for a moment or two?" Nejire shouts to seemingly nobody, opening the dorms entrance doors.

She notices you in the corner of her eye, and turns to you. "Y/N! How are you, huh? What are you doing with that chair?" Nejire points to the chair you were currently dragging with you.

"Uh.. it's a s-stool.. I think.." You softly reply. Nejire nods, and then looks at the elevator. "Togata's sleeping, right?"

"Mhm." You mumble, staring off into space. "Was the sleepover fun? I'm kinda bummed out when I didn't get invited, but hey! Frowning about it doesn't fix anything." Nejire makes weird hand gestures, and looks at the exit.


Before you could answer, the elevator opened with Mirio inside of it. "Oh, found you!" He said, walking up to you. "You'd be pretty good at hide and seek, y'know." Mirio states, not noticing the chair you were holding that was bigger than you.

"Hide and.. s-seek?" You ask, clearly confused. "You bet! Anyway, what's up Nejire?" Mirio places his hands on his hips.

"You got a sec? Me and Amajiki need to talk to you about classes for a minute!" Nejire points outside the dorms. "Oh yeah, for sure." He replies, his face looking a little more serious than usual.

"K-Kitty? Where?" You tilt your head back and forth, concerned about his whereabouts. "Hey wait, hold on! You guys have a cat?" Nejire says, looking at Togata for answers. He shakes his head.

"Nah, she just heard you call him a kitten when you were doing his introduction!" Mirio taps his forehead, "I said she could call him that."

Nejire giggles, and then faces the dorm windows. "He wanted to wait outside, so he didn't come in!" She explains, already walking out with Mirio not far behind.

"I'll be back in a bit, Y/N!" He waves to you, giving his signature smile. You wondered if he told Eri that he woke up, but knowing him he probably did.

You made your way toward the elevator once again, this time planning to do reverse of what you just did.

You huff, successfully putting the chair back onto the pile. Getting it back up was a lot harder than getting it back down, apparently. Feeling proud of yourself, you turn around and wonder where to go.

"I'll just go back to the dorm." You decide, walking over to the room and slightly open the door. Everyone was still sleeping, excluding Eri. She was wide awake, and was drawing something.

"Oh, E-Eri!" You whisper, lightly jogging over to where she was. "What are you drawing..?" You sit down next to her, and look over her shoulder. "I had a dream about pretty flower fields, so I'm drawing that." Eri replies, switching out her blue crayon for a green one.

"Ooh.." You mumble, looking at her drawing. "I had a dream about e-everybody being happy.." You point to your mouth as it curves into a smile. Eri's face lights up, and she instantly pulls you in for a hug. "Y/N! You're smiling!"

"Y-Yeah.. I guess I am." You hug her back, and hear some shuffling of clothing behind you. You turn around to see a sleepy Midoryia, rubbing his eyes while yawning. "Mmm.. good morning.."

You nod, and stop the hug. "Y/N? Where did Lemillion go?" Eri asks, tilting her head. "Oh, Nejire wanted to talk to h-him." You reply, standing up and heading towards the carpet with the urge to ask for food. "About.. classes, I think.."

You lightly tap Midoryia's shoulder, and he gives you a warm smile. "Can I have.. f-food? Um.. I'm hungry." You ask, and although he was tired he forced himself to get up and stretch a bit. "Yeah, I can get you something. Do you want anything too, Eri?" He looks in her direction.

She pauses her drawing, thinking about her options before coming to a conclusion. "Apple.." She replies, Midoryia nodding straight after. "What about you, Y/N?"

"I'm okay with anything.." You mumble, sitting down on the carpet and grabbing a pillow that belonged to nobody. "Alright then. I'll be right back, okay?" Midoryia says, proceeding to walk out the door. Both you and Eri nod at the same time.

It was quite quiet for a while after that. The only things that could be heard were your breathing and Eri's colored pencils scratching against the scrap paper. You look over to the desk, and see all the drawings you and a few others made yesterday night.

There were many random scribbles, and one was ripped up for reasons you didn't understand. But the one that stood out the most to you was the drawing of a man with blond hair, blue eyes, and a red and blue hero costume on. You wondered if this person was real or not. There were many things you wondered about.

Such as what your life was going to look like in a few years?

What was going to happen to your new friends?

Why did they care so much?

Did you want to be a hero?

What happened to the person that made your life hell?

Will you get offered quirk training too?

How much were you going to learn?

What happened to your parents?

In all honesty, these wonders always played on loop in the back of your mind. But when all was calm and still, that's when they piped up the most. You still didn't know if these thoughts scared you or not, but you did know one thing.

You liked all the new people in your life. Some were more confusing than others, sure, but that's why you liked them. They were closed books, and the more you got to know them, the more you would enjoy them.

You enjoyed this feeling. The feeling of being safe, and away from danger. The feeling of having a new family, and a bigger sister.

Thanks for reading.

𝗟𝗘𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗧𝗢 𝗧𝗥𝗨𝗦𝗧 | (𝗕𝗡𝗛𝗔 𝗫 𝗖𝗛𝗜𝗟𝗗! 𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗𝗘𝗥)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum