Episode 7

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Luke and Alex caught Reggie up the next day.

"Before we talk about the record deal, I have something important to show you guys about the whole Caleb thing." Luke pulled the note that he found in Nick's room. "I found this in Nick's bedroom. Here, let me show you what it says." He looked over to see Reggie staring into space with earbuds in. Luke yanked the earbuds out, and music blasted.

𝅘𝅥𝅮 No, no body no crime𝅘𝅥𝅮

𝅘𝅥𝅮 I wasn't letting up until the day he-ee-eee𝅘𝅥𝅮

"What's this?" Luke asked. "It's kinda nice."

"Oh, I just discovered this singer called Taylor Swift!" Reggie exclaimed, suddenly interested in the conversation. "She's had 11 grammy wins, and an Emmy too! And she has like, 50 million albums and released her first album in 2006! I wished we lived until 2006 and got to listen to her album when it came out."

Alex and Luke just stared at him. "Um, cool, I guess?" Reggie frowned.

"Fine, what about the note in Nick's room?" He asked. "I have been listening."

"Look at this." Luke used the UV light to make the note visible.

"Dinner party? What dinner party? With who? And what's he planning to do with Cyanide?" Reggie brainstormed.

"Oh, I don't know, KILL SOMEBODY??" Alex said. Reggie's eyes widened. "Cyanide's a lethal chemical."

"Ohhhhhhh." Reggie realized. "OH!"

"It's April 25th, so we have 6 days to figure out who the dinner party is with and to stop it from happening." Luke planned. "I'll go back into his house and infiltrate his phone. I may need some help operating it though."

"I'll come with you." Reggie agreed.

"That's good, I have plans to meet with Willie and get him up to speed." Alex said. Luke nodded.

"Let's go, Julie's occupied for an hour doing homework." Luke said, putting on his beanie. They poofed out.

Julie wasn't actually doing homework. Ever since she realized her mom was connected to Sunset Curve, Julie was thinking about everything she wanted to learn about her. Julie found a couple of her mom's college friends on Facebook and set up a time to meet with them the week after. Well, Julie did have homework, but she also had Sunday to work on it. No pressure.

Reggie and Luke went into Nick's room and found Nick's phone on his bed next to a plate of uneaten dumplings.

"This guy is definitely a villain. Who lets good dumplings go to waste?" Reggie said factually. Luke picked up the phone and inputted "Julie" as the password. Sure enough, it worked and unlocked the phone. Luke sighed.

"You good?" Reggie asked, putting a hand on Luke's shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah." Luke assured him. He pressed on the Calendar app, scrolling down to May 1st. Nothing there.

"Maybe we can check his messages?" Reggie asked, pressing on the Messages app. The first few contacts were Carrie, Unknown, and Julie. Luke pressed on Carrie first.

"Alright, I'm going to scroll through, keep an eye for anything mentioning a party or May 1st. He did just that.

"Ooh! Found something! It says party right the-" Reggie stopped, realizing the text he saw was actually about the after-party Carrie threw after the band ditched Julie for the HGC. "Nevermind."

"So Carrie's safe. Now this unknown person." Luke clicked the profile to see only a few messages between the two.

UNKNOWN: Come to Julie's house.

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