she paused for a second before carefully dabbing the tissue on the dried blood just under my nose.

"what?" i asked her.

she didn't respond, she just touched the middle part of my nose lightly, i winced a little.

"ow, what is that?"

"i guess you cut your nose too?" she told me. i don't really know how that works but people get cuts all the time from random things so whatever.

she finished cleaning up the blood under my nose and told me the blood stopping running from my nose but apparently the cut on my nose was bleeding. y/n sighed.

"let's just go find a band-aid for you to put on your nose." she pulled me along with her as she walked to the ticket booth.

"but then i'll look stupid." i whined. y/n stopped to look at me.

"no, you'll look cute." she giggled.

"c'mon, having a band-aid right across your nose?"

"it'll be fineeee." y/n told me.

"okay okay but i do need to do to the bathroom so can you grab the band-aid for me and then come to the bathrooms after?" i asked her.

"yea sure." she handed me the damp tissue and i held it on my cut as i walked to the bathroom.

y/n's pov
the woman behind the stand was very kind and gave me a smaller band-aid for clay because i told her that he thought it would look stupid as a joke. i smiled and waved goodbye as she continued to give people tickets.

i began walking to the bathrooms when i heard running behind me. i kept walking but i turned my head to see a guy, probably around 5'8, run up to me to start walking by my side. he didn't say anything so i stopped walking but he also stopped.

"can i help you?" i questioned.

"yes actually, you can. so i'm actually single, i know, hard to tell right? i mean, look at me." he waved his hands up and down his body as i rolled my eyes. "anyways, i'm single and i think your also ready to mingle so why don't we-" he grabbed my hand mid-sentence but i immediately smacked it away.

"don't touch me, i have a boyfriend." and i started to walk again. but, he continued to follow me.

"can you stop following me?" i stopped and turned around only to be met with two more boys there. "where did you come fro- that's besides the point." i cut myself off. "i'm taken. and clearly you guys aren't so go find another girl to bother." i stated and continued to walk away.

i heard them cat-calling me and they were only getting closer. i started to pick up my pace, the bathrooms were just about 20 feet or so in front of me. just when i was about to walk into the girls bathroom to escape the boys, one of them came up behind me and hugged me. i tried to get him to let go but he wouldn't, he only hugged me tighter.

"let go of me!" i shouted at him, hoping to attract any attention. unlucky for me, the bathrooms were kinda off from all the other booths and rides so no one heard me.

the guy who was hugging me loosened his grub and spun me around. still, i wasn't able to get away from him.

"why hello there." he smiled. i turned my head in disgust. "oh, don't be so shy..." i could tell he was about to say more but he paused and looked over my head.

i was about to turn my head to see what he was looking at but i felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me towards them. i looked up to see clay holding me tight against his chest. i smiled but clay wasn't smiling, he wasn't even looking at me. he was eyeing the man that hugged me while the other guys were already beginning to walk away.

"hey! that's my girlfriend!" the man who was hugging me shouted.

clay scoffed. "actually, this is my girlfriend. so get you and your shit show out of my sight."

clay's voice was serious and bold... i've never seen clay like this and to be honest, it was kinda scary. i guess the men also found it quite scary because they regrouped and walked away. clay loosened his grip on my waist and spun me around, his face went from serious to concerned.

"are you okay? did they hurt you?" he looked all over my body to see if there were any bite marks or scratches or anything.

"clay." his eyes flicked back up to mine. "i'm okay, they didn't hurt me." i gave him a quick peck on the lips. he smiled at me and returned the quick peck.


"are you sure you wanna do this?" i questioned clay.

clay had asked me if i wanted to go on the ferris wheel again, like we did last time. but i know clay has a fear of heights and didn't want to push him into doing it.

"yes!! i feel safer when i'm doing it with you anyway." he smiled and looked back up at the ferris wheel.

"okay." i laughed and pulled him into the line.

next chapter will be part 2 of this!!
maybe leave a vote for me?? <3

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