Start from the beginning

It was fun at start..
New people, new connections, and new things to learn.. she thought she could never get enough from this new world.

But all that was until she grew up..

Until she grew up to inherit what she was supposed to deserve.

Having unusual powers with major disadvantages, shutting her emotions down, holding grudges, dealing with the misery of her father abandoning her, and keeping calm through the enormous amount of secrecy maintained around her; were some of the things she had grown used to.

But finding out that she shared the same blood as the black sheep of the Wizarding World was a thing she had never expected.

Her happy eleven-year-old self would have never expected her life to go downhill that quick.

She had to strive hard to prove her worth every time.
After all, knowing everyone fears you because they think you would grow up to become some kind of monstrosity was not easy..

If there was anything that scared her.. it was losing the ones she loved. And her unusual abilities certainly didn't make it easy.

A power that the greatest of wizards could only dream to achieve, or even ask for, was nothing but a Curse to her.

And although that wasn't the only misery she was to deal with.. she tried her best to hold on and put a smile on her face.

It was the best she could do..

After all, Asteria Marlene Edwards always aspired to shine..
shine like those beautiful stars she admired with all her heart.

Though, unfortunately, the brightest stars burnt out the fastest.

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