Trouble magnet

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May 15th 1935,

She stepped out onto the uneven dusty sidewalk of the clouded city of Brooklyn in search of her older brother.
Who always liked to get himself in some sort of altercation....okay fight, he liked to get himself into fights.
Trouble magnet, Ray, his sister calls him.

She took a left, skipping to her favourite diner "Blue Collar", with her cream heels clicking as she walked and her blonde ponytail swishing behind her.

Suddenly the blonde began to feel drops of water falling from the sky. Ray looked up at the sky giving it a scolding look.

Great, just great. Thanks a lot sky, she thought.

She crossed her arms over her chest, as the sky started to cry.

As fast as her feet could take heels, she ran into the diner. Hoping to avoid her lovely mint dress getting ruined, however Ray was unsuccessful.
The drenched blonde looked down at the large  puddle around her feet with droplets slowly falling from her now soaked dress, sticking to her olive skin.

"Well if it isn't a soggy Rogers!" A women giggled with tight curled ginger hair from over the marble counter, "How ya doin?" Her strong Brooklyn accent shining through.

"Oh hey Maria, other than soaked good, " Ray stopped and looked around the almost empty diner.

No Steve.

Its surprising that he wasn't there to Ray, she'd usually find her sitting in a booth alone, sketching to his hearts content.

The diner door bell rang, as Ray stepped through.
Steve looked up from his sketch pad.
She looked so beautiful as always. His sister was wearing a yellow frilly dress with a white cardigan draped over her shoulders with of course matching white pumps.

Ray was the prettiest in the the whole of Brooklyn in fact. It certainly didn't go unnoticed by the other men in the diner...and in the whole of Brooklyn.

The diner was extremely busy for a Thursday night.
Ray scanned the restaurant as she walked over to Steve, seeing couples and friends laughing as they cuddled up to one another. She was totally oblivious to the drooling men around her.

"Hey Stevie." Ray smiled as she sat across from him. "Hey Ray." He replied, cheerily.
Ray noticed as usual he had his leather sketch book out resting in one hand, that dad got him before he want to war. She smiled, "What are you draw—"

"—Hiya princess."

Ray's smile dropped whilst Steve kept his head down, a man stood at the edge of their table with a arrogant smile as he looked down at the young blonde.
She hated the guys around here, none of them had much respect for her and none at all for her slim brother.

All they wanted her for was to get in her drawers.

"Me my friends were wondering if you'd like to sit with us?" The man glances back at his male friends who were all in booth with black matching jackets with cockiness plastered all over their faces.

"No I'm fine, thank you." Ray simply smiled turning back to her brother to continue her conversation.
"Are sure—" The man slicked back his dark gelled hair with a thin comb impatiently.

"The lady said no." Steve replied.

"I'm not talking to you." The man snapped harshly at Steve. Ray buried her head in her hands. She hated men.

"Come on doll, have some with fun..with us." He said waving his eyebrows.
Fun being sex.

"As I said, I'm fine thanks." Assertiveness showing through her voice as she spoke louder.
The guy sighed and shook his head as he slowly dragged his feet back to his friends, who were all laughing at his efforts.

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