Chapter 1

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Picture of James on the side

It was about six o'clock and the sky had an orange color to it. I live in Beverly Hills. My mother lives in France, I live with my father and stepmother. My father own's a really big company, in many countries. We live in a mansion, but my father is never around, he has to travel to many countries to keep track on his company and my stepmother travels with him. I rather prefer to stay home. Edgar our butler takes care of me or rather just watches over me while my father is abroad. I was sitting on the beach just minding my own business, when the worst bullies in my school show up. Cole and Jay, Cole is a really big and shabby guy, Jay on the other hand is tall and skinny.

"hey Jamie!" Cole called to me in an angry voice

"name's James not Jamie!"

"shut up, you British freak!" Cole Grabbed harshly at my neck, it hurt a lot but I tried to suck it up.

"We're gonna teach you a lesson for messing with us!" Jay said glaring at me

"and what did I do to you?"

"you blabbed to the teachers about us, stealing the tests!" Cole's grip tightened

"well sorry to disappoint you buddy, but someone else did that" I said while gasping for air

"you're a bad liar!" Cole said and kicked me in the stomach. It hurt like hell, then they both began kicking me and punching me. I was bleeding a lot, but when Cole was about to kick me again he was punched right in the face and he flew about ten meter away and landed harshly, the same happened to Jay, my sight was quite blurry but I could see them running away at top speed. Last thing I saw were midnight blue eyes staring down at me.

I woke up inside my bedroom, Edgar was there looking worried.

"Edgar?" I said in a hoars voice

"good your awake" he gave me a kind smile

"how did I get here?" I asked confused

"a girl brought you here actually" he said astonished

"where is she?"

"downstairs". Edgar helped me up and set me in a wheelchair,

"really Edgar, a wheelchair ?" I asked, he gave me a stern look and rolled me out of my room.

When I got into the living room, there was a girl there petting my dog Jinx, a Siberian husky. Her long pink hair reached the floor and had the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, but she was really small and thin, she was wearing a light armor nothing heavy. When she saw me, she walked towards me and stood really closely to me, like she's never heard of an personal bubble.

"You'll heal quickly" she said in a kind voice and smiled a little. But there was something strange about her. Her eyes were intence and sad maybe?

"How did you know where I lived?" I asked carefully

"I didn't know, I just followed the scent"


"yes" she answered confused.

"well anyways, thank you " I smiled at her thankfully

"sorry, but I don't understand this word you call thank?"

"you don't know what thank you means" Edgar asked surprised

"no, this is the first I've heard of it" it was obvious she didn't understand

"where do you live?" Edgar asked

"well, I don't know what it's called, but it's far from here". Edgar and I looked at each other very confused,

"what's your name?" I asked

"Weapon 2-0-5, but I'm often called 2-0-5" she said like she despised the name. Edgar and I were speechless at her words.... no one is named after a weapon or numbers, it just doesn't happen in real life.

"Where is your family?" Edgar asked

"family? What is that?" she looked really confused at Edgar's words. Edgar and I looked at each other realizing she doesn't have a family.

"Do you know someone?" I asked a bit worried

"yes...two scientists and 4 senseis" she said in a disgusted tone

"how long have you known them?" Edgar asked

"long, I think" she said looking at Jinx. But there was one thing on my mind that I couldn't figure out,

"um..2-0-5.. how did you get me here?"

"I carried you" she said stating the obvious

"there's no way, you carried me all the way here from the beach and could find my house just with a scent", there's just no way she did that, she's weak and fragile, you can see it by just looking at her.

"but I did, ask your friend Edgar" I looked at Edgar

"the girl speaks the truth, she was carrying you when she arrived". I looked at the girl speechless,

"why were those people, beating you up?"

"yes why were they?" Edgar said sternly

"they thought I told on them, so that's why they were beating me up" Edgar's expression was pure rage, but he tried to hide it.

"I'll call the school right away and tell them what happened!"

"no! Edgar that would just make things worse" Edgar fell silent, as if he was in deep thoughts,

"why didn't you defend yourself?" the girl asked

"well, I just didn't" the girl was shocked

"then you just let them beat you up?". She really doesn't get it

"he doesn't know how to defend himself" Edgar said in a poor tone. Well, this is embarrassing.

But there was someone that punched Cole and Jay,

"did you see who punched Cole and Jay?"

"yeah, it was me" she said like it was one of the most obvious thing ever

"ha-ha, very funny, seriously who punched them?", she slightly narrowed her brows and walked towards me, she gripped the collar of my shirt and lifted me up from my wheelchair, with one arm.

"Believe me now?" she said slightly smirking, I didn't say a word and just nodded, she put me down on the wheelchair gently. How the heck is she this strong, she's probably as strong as hulk

"James I'd request to talk to you" Edgar said in a whisper, so only I could hear or so I thought, the girl nodded at me and it looks like she heard Edgar, so she walked towards Jinx and kept her company.

Edgar got me into the confrence room and had a serious expression as he looked me straight in the eyes,

"James I have an idea"

"and that idea would be?" I asked curious

"it is meerlie a thought, but maybe the girl can help you" he said in a serious tone,

"help? What do you mean?"

"Well she did save you before you got more injured, and maybe she could teach you about defence and all that" I looked at him in disbelief, was he actually serious?

"you're kidding right?" I said with a slight chuckle

"I am actually very serious, what do you think your father would do about this, if he knew you were being beated to a pulp at the beach" he actually had a point there, if dad knew about this he would get even the police into this. I thought it over and finally came to a decicion,

"alright, but do you think she will actually agree with this?"

"how about we get her to teach you and you teach her about family and other things in return"

"okay then".

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