Namjoon POV

They keep asking can you forgive me . I don't know what to said . They look didn't care about Y/N .

"Hey Namjoon . Take this . Your favorite right ?" Jhope give me a snack that i love .

"Thanks ." Finally i'm talking .

"Yah . You talking with Y/N's brother but us ? We are your siblings . Can you just forgive us ?!" Jungkook mad .

"Shut up ." I said in mad tone too .

"Why you Can't forgive us ?" Taehyung ask .

"Wait wait wait guys . What happening here ? Just me and Y/N didn't know about this ?" Jimin talking and all of us quiet . Jimin didn't know because we all didn't want to tell him or Y/N .

"Namjoon . Answer us ." Jin said again .

"Why you keep force me ? I don't know okay ? I didn't know why i hate you guys !" I stand up again .

"Y-you hate us ? Yah ! We are your siblings ! Remember that !" Jungkook shout .

"Stop acting like you care ." I said and leave .
But i stop again when .

"Can you just be our old Namjoon ?! Can you just talked with us again ? It's 2 years Namjoon . Already 2 years ! 2 years since you and Jhope kill that stupid guy !" Jin shout . Now he becomes crazy until he forgot that Y/N hear it .

"You and Namjoon kill w-who ?" Y/N ask shockedly .

"No . We not kill anyone ." Jhope lie .

"Yah . We can look at your face , Jhope . You lie . Tell us ." Jimin speak out .

"H-hyun and J-joong . We know they raped you . Namjoon a-and I-I lost control okay ?" Jhope explain . He scared if Y/N hate him .

"You kill them ?!" Y/N shout and looked at me .

"Y-Y/N . We do because we love you okay ?" I  put my plate at table .

Y/N already crying . She didn't believe the one who she loved is a killer .

"Y/N . We do because we love you ." Jhope stand up and hold her shoulder . Y/N push his hand and run to upstairs .

"Y/N !" We all shout her name .

"This all because of you ! This is why i hate you guys ! You guys just ruin our relationship ! Can you just stop ?!" I shout to them .

I run to upstairs but i heard they said .

"N-namjoon . We're sorry ."

Yes , i still love them . Ofc . They are my siblings but i don't know why i suddenly hate them .

"Y/N . Open the door ." I knocked her door many times .

"Y/N ! Open the door !" I shout and crying .

The others hear it and just looked at me from stairs .

I wait in front of her room . I sit at floor until i felt asleep .

But i suddenly wake up when They all try to wake me up. 

"Namjoon . Wake up . Namjoon ." They said my name softly .

"What ?" I open my eyes. 

"Go sleep at your room . You Can't sleep here ." Jimin said .

"Let me sleep here . I'm waiting for Y/N ." I said and i wiped my tears .

"Namjoon . We're sorry ." Jungkook hug me . I didn't hug him back .

"Just go . I'm tired ." I push him softly . I closed my eyes again .

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