"As you wish," Ser Gerold Hightower said. "But if they do not wish for peace-"

"Then I will keep my word. We will march for Oldtown today." She turned about towards her tall golden pavilion at the center. "If the army in our path lay down their swords, I will pardon them. If not, I shall burn them to ashes. If the city yields, I will show them the mercy I promised, if not we will take the city by any means necessary."

For a moment, the dragon within her had been awoken and she had an anger within her that she hadn't felt since her brother's death. She waited for a reply from Oldtown for a long time, but none arrived. When none arrived, she had run out of patience.

She gathered her men for a war council at Lord Tyrell's tent. "Oldtown asks for war," she told them. "It is our duty to bring it to them now."

"This is good, Your Grace," Ser Simon Chyterring said. "We thirst for blood. We can take the city."

"We will have to defeat the assembled army on our path before moving to the city," Dany said. "They are encamped right on our path."

"We can defeat them in no time, princess," Ser Boros Blount was confident. "These traitors will stand no chance. We will show that to you."

"When battle is joined, let you all show wisdom as well as valour," Dany told him. "Spare anyone who runs or throws down his weapon. Kill anyone who hold a weapon in his hands. I don't care what happens in the city though." She had promised them that she will bring fire and blood upon them and she meant to keep that promise.

They broke camp as the sun was going down and the sky was the colour of bruised purple. It had not gotten red, yet, showing that she still had an hour or two before dark. Her vanguard formed up in the front and the command was given to the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. A hundred mounted knights on magnificent armoured horses accompanied him at the front. Sunlight winked off the steel tips of the lances they carried.

A chill wet wind blowing from the west as they departed from her camp. She hoped to take the city before the dark could arrive. She thought it was going to be a gloomy night; moonless, starless and she didn't want her army to stumble across in the dark. A fine black night, thought Dany, and she wanted to be inside Oldtown before it could settle over. Dany seated herself on the back of Drogon, as her army spread all around her. When they were assembled, she said, "It's time time mount our attack."

"Yes, princess," said Lord Tyrell. "The men are ready to ride out."

"It's going to be a long day still, but when it ends we shall be resting within the walls of the city."

Lord Lothar Mallery scowled. "Should we prepare for a siege?"

"No," Dany said at once. "We will mount an assault. I want Oldtown taken by tonight. They will not think that I will be brave enough to attack both the army and the city this close to night. We will prove them wrong, by defeating their army in the field and by taking the city."

"If they were waiting for us?" asked Ser Simon asked.

"Then it will not change anything at all," said Dany. "We gave them a choice and they have picked one." Dany turned towards Ser Gerold Hightower. "What do you think we should do about the army, Ser Gerold?"

"I think we should attack from three sides." The old knight pointed towards the map, where the positions of both armies had been neatly set up by wooden miniatures. "The mounted knights and cavalry shall strike at them from right and left, while Lord Mace shall lead our infantry to thrust through their center and push them towards the flanks. Princess Daenerys will be atop her dragon softening their lines along with our bowmen." He finished.

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