The Generic Apology Chapter

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Real author's note: I actually am sorry for not uploading lately :\ However, I also don't put that at the beginning of EVERY. FUCKING. CHAPTER. Anyways, I'm actually going to upload a chapter. Isn't that a miracle?

Fake author's note: lyke lol. i haz busy life and my mom's girlfriend's pet goldfish died yesterday and it wuz so </3 i just couldnt handle eet, so i iz sorreh. anyways, lyke, illllll upload a new chapter sooooon. LUV U GUIZ.


deh author.

So lyke, I dunno where we left of in dis storeh, so I'm jsut gonna start over and COMPLETELY FORGET ERRYTHIGN DAT JUSSS HAPPENED.

RING RING RING. My alarm clock wuz goin off again and it rlly annoyed me to deaf. LOL, I JUST TRIED TO BE FUNNEH AND IT MIGHT HAVE WORKED. DID U SEE WHUT i did dere???!?!?!?!1 so lyke, i wokeded up and i went to the bathroom to brush mah teeth. I made them all sparkly white, and den got dressed. I turned my swaqq on, I thought to myself. den i listened to gangnam style for the billionth time this week, and walked out the door.








So den I creyed for 5evar.

but den i rememberd. i had swag. so dats all dat mattered :')

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2013 ⏰

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