Mr. Kim nodded his head. Yeri wanted to say something but a disgruntled patient's loud voice interrupted their conversation.

'That bitch, I won't let that girl off the hook! Where's the doctor? Why isn't the doctor here? Is the doctor looking down on me because the doctor thinks I don't have money?' the man beaten by a Lisa said.

'Sorry, I need to attend to the new patient admitted to the hospital,' Jungkook said and he quickly walked toward the emergency ward.

The man laid on a stretcher and he waved his hand in the air to threaten the paramedics who wheeled him into the hospital. Jungkook pressed the man's hand down on the stretcher.

'Ow!' the man cried out.

The man assessed his captor, who looked like a stern young man with glasses. The man thought he couldn't beat the bitch but he could easily beat the young man in front of him. 'Bastard! What are you doing? Do you want a beating?'

'If your ribs are fractured, it could puncture your lungs and you won't live longer than half an hour. If it punctures your heart, you won't live longer than fifteen minutes,' Jungkook warned. He looked at his wristwatch. 'If you want to die, I'll help you record your time of death.'

'I, I...' the man stammered and he laid motionless on the stretcher.

Jungkook smiled charmingly. 'Also, I'm a doctor. If you want to chase me away then it means you're refusing treatment which is good for the hospital, because the hospital won't be responsible for delaying treatment. Remember to call your family and explain to them about your decision within the time you have left, it'll save them money suing the hospital.'

'I... what should I do now?' the man asked.

'From the sound of your voice, it appears you've fractured your ribs so you'll need to be examined thoroughly. Your fractured ribs can affect other vital organs and-'

'You, you... don't say anymore,' the man said. His whole body trembled. 'I want to have a complete health check, I'll follow your recommendation.'

'Then you'll need an x-ray, CT scan... um, I'll give your nurse a list. Also, you'll need to have blood tests too,' Jungkook said.

'Why do I need to have a blood test?' the man asked.

'I'm worried you have internal haemorrhaging-' Jungkook said.

'Ok, take me wherever I need to go for testing,' the man said.

The young nurse who wore thick mascara helped wheeled the man for body scans.

'Nurse, is there a doctor here named Jeon Jungkook?' the man asked.

'Doctor Jeon? He's the doctor who helped examined you before,' the young nurse said.

'The doctor before... if the two of them combined, one person injuring a man and the other person saving the injured man... they'll be a pair of professional scammers! It's robbery in broad daylight!' the man protested.

One half of the alleged 'professional scammers' returned to his office. He looked outside his office window and he saw Lisa walked across the road and she jumped over the hospital's fence. She entered the hospital and he lost sight of her.

Jungkook heard a knock on his door and he quickly turned around, he was disappointed it was Kim Yeri.

'Doctor Jeon, my grandpa wants to invite you to a banquet to celebrate his recovery. He hopes you'll come,' Yeri said.

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