- 02

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"you could've turned the camera off!"

his voice was yelling at me from across the room, the two of us not being able to stand next to eachother. i was pacing behind the kitchen counter, his stance still while next to the television.

"how was this all my fault, weston? you never moved out of the frame!" i threw my hands in front of me, frustrated at the fact that it all of a sudden was my fault.

not too soon after my stream came to an abrupt end, the 2,000 people who saw it live couldn't keep it to themselves. twitter posts, tiktok posts, even instagram posts.

by the time the two of us woke up the next morning, mar and weston was trending on twitter with over 10,000 tweets. i'm really not sure how that happened, considering we're not as popular as most twitch streamers. i thought a small amount of people knew who we both were.

either way, it somehow managed to happen. the clip of weston being cold towards me on stream was being spread everywhere. of course, there were people taking sides. which is weird, considering no one could hear us, so no one even knows what it was about. it was all based off of body language, and facial expressions.

srry i love mar but weston is obviously pissed and mar is obviously apologizing for something. answer is pretty mf clear yall stop looking so hard ...

where as others.

mar lowk seems scared LMAO and weston is just mad. shes obv apologizing for smth too? he needs to chill tf out

none of the theories were needed and none of them were correct. it only lengthened the unnecessary argument.

we both talked it out last night, and actually were on usual terms again. everything just went to hell when we both checked twitter the next morning. i hate my name trending. poor kalynn has had to listen to all the banter from the comfort of her room as well.

"i didn't know i was in the frame!" his argument makes me spit out a sarcastic laugh, my eyes locking to the floor for a second.

"didn't you look at the fucking clip? the one that's everywhere right now? you looked at my monitor like eight times!"

"oh, i bet i did. i wonder where people got the clip... maybe it was from the vod you kept up?" his tone is nothing but harsh, only making me more tense. not in the way i was last night, this time it's just an angry tension.

"god can you use that brain of yours for one fucking second! when do you think i would've had the time to delete the vod right away! the second i ended stream i walked out into the living room to your sorry ass and apologized. again." i emphasize the word, trying my hardest to get him to remember just how many times i've apologized for the small question.

"why did you even upload it in the first place?" his hand falls onto the side of his leg, that same confused expression on his face becoming too familiar.

"mine automatically upload," i rub your forehead, exhausted over the entire conversation.

"you know mar," he shakes his head, a condescending grin on his face.

"hm, weston?" i hop up onto the counter behind me, looking at him with nothing but a cold expression.

"could you open your mind to think for one second that maybe, just maybe! i'm so pissed about this because everyone seems to think i'm a fucking dick to you now."

"i know they do. and to be completely honest, i'm finding it hard to disagree with them right now! i get it weston, i really do. i get that the question i asked threw you off a little. made you a little shocked. but there is absolutely no fucking reason why you couldn't have just talked to me in private, instead of yelling at me on a live stream," my voice is raised as i speak, the loud dialect staying consistent for the last 20 minutes.

"why did you have to ask in the first place!" he makes his voice louder, frustrated that im not understanding his perspective.

"because i didn't think it would be this big of a deal! jesus christ weston! why the hell would i ask if i thought it would cause this!" my hands motion between the two of us, flustered.

a bedroom door pushes open agressively, along with an angry kalynn storming out of it. she has her keys in her hand, and a thin sweatshirt hung over the inside of her arm.

"where are you going?" i ask her, more quiet, watching her as she quickly shoves her shoes on and stands next to the door.

"does it even matter? because it obviously won't effect anything here. you two can not possibly get any louder, so all will stay the same. don't fret! all i can hope is that you both get some sense knocked into those tiny, tiny, skulls of yours to realize that you're fighting over dead fucking air. i don't know what you're fighting over, and honestly i don't give a shit what it is. it wouldn't change anything. grow up, and move on. i'll be back once you two have matured from the ripe age of four." she slams the door behind her, her tone nothing but utterly pissed off at the bickering.

"god, mar, you're so fucking stupid," weston lowers his voice, almost whispering to me.

"excuse me?" my voice is lowered too, my throat starting to ache.

"how have you not realized the real reason why i was ever upset in the first place?" his voice cracks over his low voice. his long hair is a mess above him, the constant nagging at it making it frizz a little.

"what?" i stare at him, lost. his mind looks as if it's battling with itself over whether he should spit it out or not. he knows better, though.

"forget it," he shakes his head as his eyes form a thin layer of tears over them. he walks towards his bedroom door, staring at me for a second.

my mouth is slightly agape under his gaze. i don't know what he's trying to say to me.

"i'm going to bed. i'll talk to you tomorrow mar," he shuts his door quietly behind him, the silent sound of his lock clicking following shortly after.

"goodnight," i practically say to myself, alone on top of the kitchen counter. i tip toe over to my bedroom, repeating weston's actions and locking the door behind me.

i lay face first into my comforter, allowing myself to completely fall apart for once in the last 24 hours. im not sure why im crying, but i feel too overwhelmed to let myself sit in silence.

- 3rd person

weston hears quiet sobs from across the way, the small apartment not big enough to drain out any sound from the other rooms. his heart aches at the sound, knowing he caused it.

his body is resting on his bed, his back presses into the mattress beneath him. he stares at his ceiling as his right arm lies above his forehead.

a tear escapes through the corner of his eye, dripping down his cheek and off the side of his face. the longer he can hear her muffled cries, the harder his cries become. the only thing he wants to do is go into her room and comfort her, in any way he can.

but he knows that's not what she wants.

i am excited for this book

votes v much appreciated as always ily

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