How to pankak

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1. Find some flour


3. Add 3 teaspoons of sugar

4. Add baking powder

5. Add a bit of salt

6. Mix for 7

7. When finished mixing put in yo mama

7.* When finished mixing put in a feeezer

8. While you wait i reccomend watching „Pan Tadeusz" its a masterpiece and totally did not break my mental state cause in school it will be on tests and i swear if

9.If you waited long enough to see the dance scene then go back to the freezer and take out your bowl

11. I really should be sleeping rn

12. Add 2 and 6/29 eggs

13. Mix

14. J e r e m y

15. I legit have no idea how to make pancac

16. Go give love and support to the best writer in the world xXMute_ColorsXx (her stories are hella amazing)

17. I ran out of ideas so imma do some random things

18. Commit masz genocide

19. Do NOT get caught by police cause if you do well...

30. This is a joke

8. Mom

31. Go start loving the letter „h" cause if you dont imma get agressive towards your being

32. I wanna finish it my phone is at 4%

33.its 1 am

34. Hi

35. Have you seen Pan Tadeusz? Now lets read the whole straightble ( bible if someons stopid)

36. Jesus if cuk SUS BAHSHSHSHS SUREY SHDHJKKKKKKKK THIS this is what u donwhdkjjjjdjjjjdjjnnn

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