Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

''You stupid human. There's nobody out here to save you, maybe you should have thought about that before you left your Master.'' I found myself being tugged away from the river harshly and towards the treeline as I continued to struggle hopelessly, stumbling forward between the two vampires.

As the canopy of the trees shrouded us in darkness, I spotted a silent figure stood blocking our path. He seemed calm and relaxed as he watched the vampires, making him seem even more menacing than he was when rampaging. I couldn't help the smile that tugged at my lips as the relief of seeing him washed over me.

The vampires came to a stop as soon as they saw him. I didn't blame them really; his posture was unnerving, as if there was an undercurrent of rage that was waiting to be unleashed.

''Sir Aiden.'' Max was the first to speak, bowing slighting in respect as his expression clearly displayed his shock at the sight of the prince. Both of the vampire's eyes had returned to their normal shades.

Aiden said nothing, his eyes transfixed on my arm where it was still in contact with the vampire.

Seeming to realise that he was doing something wrong, the vampire released me and I automatically looked down at my arm. The skin was red, already discolouring in some places where the vampire's fingers had dug into my skin roughly.

My eyes met Aiden's for a second before I looked down at my feet, too ashamed to meet his gaze any longer. It was my fault I had gotten myself into this mess. I had wondered off in the hopes of helping Rose get over the events of the night before, and had once again required Aiden to come and save me from trouble. I wouldn't blame him for being pissed at me.

''We were just transporting an escaped human away from the border, Sir.'' The broad vampire spoke up, his once intimidating voice sounding pathetic in Aiden's presence.

I looked up to gauge Aiden's reaction only to find he had regarded the vampire with indifference and was once again focused on me. He finally spoke, ''Are you alright, Violet?'' I nodded quickly and his eyes seemed to soften for a moment before he turned a glare towards the vampires, ''This human is my property.''

Even though it was only a statement, the two vampires seemed to flinch at his words. On some strange level, I felt sorry for them as they were feeling the fear that I was coming more accustomed to. But, then I reminded myself that they were ruthless vampires who wouldn't have hesitated to harm me. This was already shown by my bound hands and the ache in my arm.

''We didn't know, your Highness. We thought she was lying.'' Max's voice shook.

''Lying about what?'' Aiden seemed slightly confused as Max realised his mistake, ''What did she tell you?''

''She told us she was with you, Sir. B-but, we couldn't be sure.'' I remained silent, not wanting to contribute to the tension building.

''Uh-huh.'' Aiden looked the two vampires up and down; I wondered if he was contemplating something as the silence dragged on.

I tugged on my hands absentmindedly, attempting to loosen the ties but to no avail. I could feel the skin around my wrists becoming sore from the friction, and was too distracted to realise Aiden had approached me until his pale hand grasped the rope. He easily pulled the knot from my wrists and I smiled up at him gratefully, he still seemed deep in thought.

''Do you know your way back to the camp?'' He asked me seriously, looking deep into my eyes to the point where I felt uncomfortable.

''Sort of.'' I whispered.

He nodded in a direction, ''Head that way and I'll catch up to you. There's something I need to take care of first.''

I looked over his shoulder for a last look at Max and the vampire I had never identified. They were both rigid with fear, their eyes trained intensely on Aiden's back.

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