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I walked into the arena with my bag and my title over my shoulder. Tonight was Monday Night Raw after Extreme Rules and tonight I would be working very closely with The Shield. It was the beginning of Evolution versus the Shield plus two more people. My mom and I would both be getting in on that story line this time. It sucked because I did not want to work this closely with the man I was trying to avoid. Two men, actually. But I had no choice. This was work. Not something I could get out of.

To start this story line off, I had to go out and talk about my win against my mother last night. It was a spectacular win, I'll admit that. And I was excited to go out and brag about it. I just wasn't ready for everything else that came after. But, here goes nothing, I guess.

I walked into my locker room and decided to get dressed into my outfit for tonight. Black leather pants, a black glitter see through tank top and black shin length boots with no heel. As soon as I finished getting ready, I walked down to hair and makeup. Everybody had been leaving me alone so far and I was thankful for that. I didn't wanna talk to anyone. Not even my parents. They had been helpful a few days ago but they would just look at me like I was broken and I didn't need that. Even though I was, in fact, broken, I just didn't wanna be looked at like that. Especially not at work.


I stood in front of the curtain in the gorilla as I waited for my time to go out there. I was gonna be in the ring with The Shield in just a few minutes and I had to mentally prepare myself. I had to get my composure straight and I had to keep it straight. I took a deep breath and then my music hit. I walked out to the stage and smirked as I raised my title before I walked down to the ring and climbed in. I grabbed a microphone before standing in the middle of the ring. The crowd was on their feet and loud. I smirked again as I looked around at all the fans before I decided to speak. "You know, I feel your excitement. I feel it. Last night I put Stephanie McMahon on her ass and it felt damn good." I said causing the crowd to cheer louder. "You see, she went into that match last night thinking that she had the one up on me. She thought she had that match in the bag. But she didn't realize what she was getting herself into. No matter how many times I told her, she didn't believe me. But I bet she believes me now. I'm not any ordinary Diva when it comes to her. I'm the Diva that beat her ass last night and I'm the Diva that will do it again if she steps my way." 

The crowd cheered again but it was short lived because my mom's music hit. She walked out to the stage with a microphone in her hand. "Oh Hannah. There you go living in a fantasy land. You see, you may have beat me last night but that was just because I was not at the top of my game." she said.

I chuckled. "Here we go with the excuses." I said into the mic.

"Hannah, last night was a fluke. And you know it. You got lucky. But you won't get lucky next time because I'm coming for you again. Because I'm not coming alone." she said.

"You never could do anything alone. Same as dad." I said. "Hey, how is dad after his loss to the Shield last night? That was epic."

"You've got jokes." she said. "Well, let's so who's got jokes after the Shield gets demolished by The Wyatt Family right here, right now. And Hannah, you go ahead and stay out here as we both watch your boyfriend, Roman Reigns, and his team mates, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose, get decimated."

The Shield's music hit and all three members came walking out through the crowd. I tossed the microphone out of the ring and took a deep breath through my nose as I held my composure. Roman, Seth and Dean all climbed in the ring and Roman walked over to me before putting his arm around my shoulders. "You just stay outside the ring. You ready for this storyline?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yeah." I said. "I'm fine."

The Wyatt Family's music hit and they walked out as I climbed out of the ring and stood in front of the announce table. The ref signaled for the bell and then the match was under way. It was back and forth pretty much the whole match. At the point that the Shield had the upper hand for more than five minutes, that's when everything started breaking down. Evolution's music hit and then walked out by my mom who smiled at my dad. I quickly climbed in the ring to stand next to Roman. Show time. Luke Harper and Erick Rowan climbed in the ring and Seth and Dean took them out knocked Randy and Dave off the apron in the process. Roman grabbed me and pulled me close as Seth and Dean ran against the ropes and hit Evolution with a suicide dive. I turned and looked at Bray Wyatt who was running at Roman and then I moved out of the way as he hit him with a spear. I didn't see anything else, though, because my mom speared me to the mat. I laid there holding my stomach as I heard the bell ring. The Wyatt Family had won the match. Then I saw my dad and Randy whiz by me and I knew. This was it. The Shield and I were getting attacked. My mom pulled me up and shoved me into the corner before standing in front of me and holding me there. I was being forced to watch and I had to play the part. I couldn't move. I just had to watch as my dad attacked Roman, Randy attacked Seth and Dave attacked Dean. Randy took out Seth first hitting him with a hanging DDT off the top ropes. Dave took out Dean next by hitting him with a powerbomb on the steps outside the ring and then it was Roman. My dad pointed at me and then pulled Roman up and went for a pedigree which Roman reversed only to be hit with an RKO from Randy and then a pedigree from my dad. Then all that was left was me. My mom moved from in front of me and I pounced on her trying to fight through all of this. I hit her with Lou Thez Press to the mat and pounded away on her but then I was pulled off of her. I looked and it was Dave and Randy that had a hold of me. My mom stood up next to my dad and then motioned for the two guys to bring me to her. It was the Shield set up. The triple power bomb. I was picked up and put on my mom's shoulders before she, Dave and Randy all slammed me to the mat. Evolution and my mom got the better of us tonight but that would not last long, I assure you.

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