Chapter 16 - The wedding (Part1)

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Dream  noticed i was worried and stressed so he decided 'oh let's worry more' and went impossibly closer to me and whispered in my ears "this was not part of the plan" Not only that his voice gave me chills but i was now even more worried that they got caught or something.

After like a good 15 minutes i saw Philza enter the castle. I calmed down as i saw him slowly stepping closet to the entry. He was this time very formal, wearing a green suit as well. He was followed by Techno. When i saw him i could barely tell it was techno. He had his hair birded and he was wearing his crown and no mask to my surprise.

 He had his hair birded and he was wearing his crown and no mask to my surprise

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

(^^^I couldn't decide from these three so you choose what Techno is wearing)

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

(^^^I couldn't decide from these three so you choose what Techno is wearing)

They both looked amazing but Techno's outfit caught my eyes. It's the first time i don't see him in his white shirt tucked in his black leggings or whatever they are and his reddish black platforms.

As soon as Techno sees me he tells Philza something and starts walking my way. "Hello sir Billiam" i said with a tiny chuckle. "Hello, princess y/n" he said giving me a big smile. "You look amazing, like always" he continued. Dream was fake offended. "So called 'Billiam', what about me?" He said. We all laughed softly.

Philza just got there and heard us laugh. "Hello y/n, Dream, how are you mate? And why is everyone laughing?" He was a bit confused. "Oh it's nothing" i said.    "I am good, can't wait to leave this place, people here are horrible" Dream said honestly. I can agree with him on this one.

We all took a drink and talked about different subjects. At a point Kai comes hurried to me from my back. "Hello everybody." He said looking at them. He put his arm around my shoulders and he quickly turned around to face me. "Who are these guys, y/n? Haven to told you not to talk to any other guys that Dream for now!?" He aggressively whispered to.  me.

i Looked at Techno a bit. "Kai these are some uh.. old friends... Everyone, this is Kai my future husband" i said trying to get all Techno's attention. Kai slapped my back for talking loud. I saw Techno was staring at Kai with so much anger, i think if he could he would kill Kai just in this second. "Hello Kai, its a pleasure meeting you, My name is Billiam, but friends calls me Liam." Techno said trying to control his anger.

"The pleasure it's mine. So i suppose i can call you Liam then?" Kai asked somewhat annoyed by their presence. They shaked hands   "I said friends" techno repeated himself this time even more annoyed than he already was.

While we were taking I saw Ranboo also in a suit. He walked to us. Firstly i had no clue how he got here but then i remembered Kai's kingdom is Snow Chester and He probably invited Ranboo too. Honestly this might make me a bad friend but i totally forgot to invite him.

"Hello everyone!" He was really happy. I don't think he knew about the forced marriage or most about Kai. "Hello Ranboo" We all said (besides Kai). "What's up mate?" Philza asked. "Oh i have been invited the wedding and i saw it's.. it's Y/n's wedding and of course i had to be here.. I- I had to be here"

We all talked a bit until my mother came to me and grabbed me and Kai by our shoulders. "Follow me to the stage" she said to us. We both followed her, got up a few stairs and we both went to our families.

My father was to the microphone. Me and Kai were in the middle. He forced me to hold his hand.

My father started speaking "Hello citizens of Snow Chester (Kai's kingdom) kingdom and citizens of Atticailand (Our kingdom), as we know we all are here to celebrate Princess Y/n and Prince Kai's wedding. In ten minutes, the priest will arrive. When he will arrive everyone will go to a seat. Until then, enjoy yourselves!"

Yes i made up the name of y/n's kingdom 😃

Next part coming tomorrow!

Words: 1356

Reminder: you are beautiful and don't let anyone tell you the opposite! ❤️

Having to fight back | a technobladexfemreader story | art not mine! | editing!Where stories live. Discover now