Chapter 9 - Feelings?

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~y/n's pov~

"Hello!" Philza said. I just smiled and started staring at techno. He seemed exhausted. He drank some water and put his sword in a black weird looking chest. I've heard of them before and i knew they were called ender chests but i never understood what they do. 

"well i should get going now, it was nice seeing you both" Philza said as he got up and stared walking out of the area. Techno said his iconic "bye" and i just waved.

"so, yn, i will go make breakfast for us, if ya' want you can stay here".    "Techno, you look exhausted, how about i make breakfast instead and you rest a bit". I was worried he overworked himself. I didnt knew since when he was here but he seemed like he was training since we got home. "Dont worry its alright I can still make breakfast i am not that tired" he said as he opened the door for us. We both walked inside.

~time skip~ 

He put the dishes in the sink as i sit down on the sofa. Techno came and sit next to me. I could tell he haven't slept in a while and he was really exhausted. He slowly leaned his head on my shoulder. "is this okay?" he asked referring to how he leaned his head on my shoulder. I could feel heat rising in my checks. "y- yeah that's fine". He closed his eyes and fast asleep. This was so relaxing some why.

At some point he just turned around and hugged me, laying his head still on my shoulder, one of his arm around my waist. His hand took mine and we started holding hands. This moment was so sweet and it made me blush so hard, too bad I felt asleep the next second.

I woke up before him because of some random sounds made by the foxes. We were in the same position as we were seconds before i felt asleep. He looked so peaceful. I didnt wake him up and just sit here waiting for him to wake up. I pated his hair which was softer than i tough it was. 

He woke up not much time after me. When he firstly opened his eyes he didnt really noticed how he was staying. When he realized he quickly sat up, all red and frustrated.  "I am sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable, i didnt realized what i was doing" he quickly said but i shushed him. "Its fine, really, techno".  

We sat up. As soon as he could he slowly came closer to me. He looked at me for consent to even hug me. for fuck's sake he was sooo gentle with me.  I quickly hugged him which took him kind of by surprise. He started blushing once again. I realized but i tough that i might have done something bad or something. I quickly backed up. "I'm sorry, was i not supposed to hug you?" i said worried.  "no.. i- oh- well not goanna lie, i liked that hug" he said, this time he was again all red. I just was happy he liked the hug.

This made me realize, i started to catch feelings for him.. I mean he indeed was.. well ho- NO NO what am i thinking? This is fast.. But he does takes cares about me.. and he's really gentle with me.. 

Oh boy.

He was just stuck in my head now. What if i actually like him? but it cant be.. its too fast? plus were just friends yet.. i dont even know if he considers me as a close friend. 

That's when i realized i might have to go back "home".. well even tho i could better consider this home that the castle. But that also reminded me that i will soon have to tell him i am a royalty. What if after he finds out he would hate me? Oh god this is scary

I decided its the better if i tell him now rather than start getting deeper feelings than i already have and get broken.

I walked to him. "so techno.. uh i have something to tell you.." he was now looking at me. "go on" he said now having a somewhat scared face. "well you know.. i am not a daugher of a baker.. i actually.. I'm part of the royal family... i am the next to the crown..." I said while fidgeting whit my fingers. 

 "WHAT?! you aren't here to hunt me down are you?" He said whit a sad and panicked look on his face. "No.. i ran away from the castle because i was tired of the life from there. I am forced to be that prefect and soft kind of princess that stick at her place.. but i wanna  fight, i wanna live adventures and i wanna travel around the world so when my parents are away i come here to get a rid of that life.. i get if you are mad at me, its totally understandable" i said already thinking of what the worst would be.  ".. I dont really know what to say, i am not really mad but neither happy about it.. i- i guess that's shorta okay, at the point that you're not here to hurt, spy or hunt me or my friends i guess i am alright with it" 

I was glad i heard these words. I slowly started to calm down. But now i had to get back to the castle and hope that my parents aren't back yet. 

"Thank you, i am happy to hear that but now i have to get going before my parents would come back if they didnt already" i said starting to pack up.  "i guess i could walk you over there, i kind of wanna see and i could sneak you in there, if that's alright with you" he said while helping me pack up. "if you dont have anything else to do i would love that" I didnt had many things in there so it took only a bit. 

Techno walked to one of his chests to give me something but while he went, i went upstairs to his closet and took buttoned shirt of his so i could  keep something. While i packed it up and started thinking of where i should hide it techno entered the room. 

fuck he saw this.

" what do you think you're doing?" He said with a louder voice. I started blushing and i showed him the shirt i took from him so he wont get any bad ideas. I know it was strange but i felt like It would make my days in the castle better.  " and what are you doing with that?" he said halfly shocked. i would be too if someone would just sneak in my room and steal a shirt. "well.. i wanted something to make me remember about you and make my days better there.. in case we wont be able to.. meet again in the near future.. i am sorry.. please dont hurt me or get any wrong ideas" i said really embarrassed. He froze. I could notice he was now red, once again. 

"I uh--- i guess- I--- i think-- That's-- i guess that's.. alright you- you can keep it.." he said nervously. 

~techno's pov~

I wanted to had y/n a compass that as pointing to ME, not the house but to me. She would know if am i home or not, if am i going in her kingdom to buy food or things like that so we could probably meet up then but when i got back she wasn't here. I placed the compass in her bag and heard footsteps upstairs. I quickly but silently went to see what she was doing. I was panicked she would try any bad ideas to mess whit me. 

As i got up i got a knife from the kitchen and ran to see what she was doing.

 I entered my bedroom to see her at my closet. She was holding something but i couldn't see what she was doing. "what do you think you're doing?" i said louder and whit an more aggressive tone. She  started blushing and she showed me one of my shirts .      "and what are you doing with that?" i asked. "well.. i wanted something to make me remember about you and make my days better there.. in case we wont be able to.. meet again in the near future.. i am sorry.. please dont hurt me or get any wrong ideas" y/n said. I froze. I started to feel heat rising on my checks

"I uh--- i guess- I--- i think-- That's-- i guess that's.. alright you- you can keep it.." i said. It was kind of cute but also awkward. She was taking my shirt to make her fell better. To remember me... 

This really made me happy. I can tell i start to catch feelings for her.. but she probably doesn't..

This is scary and confusing.. i dont know what i feel anymore

ANOTHER LATE UPDATE YAYYY  :D welp sorry for the long wait!

Words:  1547

reminder: you look gorgeous! believe in yourself!

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