The Begining

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He watched as his so-called enemy was dragged away from him. His classmate, Dib, glared at him as his father tried to talk to him. Zim was okay with the occasional note or nasty comment, heck he was fine with the full-blown presentations that Dib did in front of the entire class, but Dib had attacked him.

Zim had been walking home from school when Dib had tackled him to the ground and punched him, the only thing stopping him was a teacher who had happened to be driving past them on the sidewalk. The teacher had called Dib's father and he eventually came and stopped the fight, Zim left bruised and shaken while Dib was completely fine.

"Look, Dib" Zim heard Professor Membrane say, "Zim is not an alien. Why in the world would you attack some boy just to try and prove it?"

Dib growled, still glaring at Zim. "He is an alien! Look at his hands!" Dib said pointing at Zim who had an ice pack to his face. "I'm not crazy, dad!"

"I never said you were,  son" Professor Membrane said, putting a hand on Dib's shoulder. "But attacking a classmate is no way to prove your point."

A car pulled up and Zim's parents got out, rushing over to see him. Zim waved them away weakly, telling them he was fine and that it was an accident. They had a long conversation with Professor Membrane, Dib glaring at him the whole time they talked.

"Come along now, Dib."  Professor Membrane said as he took Dib's hand, leading him over to their car.

"See you tomorrow, Zim, " Dib said and got into his car, Professor Membrane waving goodbye to Zim and his parents before driving away. Zim's parents reassured him that they'd make sure Dib wouldn't ever do that again but Zim knew that Dib would find some other way to point fingers at him.

When they got home Zim went to his room, telling his parents that he was going to do homework then go straight to bed. He walked into his room and was greeted by his robot, GIR, who jumped up off his bed, running over and hugging Zim's leg.

"Mastahhhhhhh!" The robot said excitedly. Zim smiled slightly at the robot's seemingly never-ending energy. He hadn't programmed GIR to do anything, he simply gave it the command of learning about its surroundings and putting the knowledge to good use. So far Zim has let the robot explore the house and watch children's programming so it was natural that the robot had the energy.

"What happened?" The little robot asked and Zim looked down, confused. "Purple!" The robot pointed up at Zim's face and Zim frowned.

"It's nothing, GIR. Zim is fine." Zim patted the robot's head lightly and sat at his desk, pulling out his homework for that night. "What did you do today, GIR?" Zim did his work as GIR rambled about some nonsensical TV show he had watched that day.

"What about you, Mastah?" GIR asked. Zim looked surprised at that, GIR usually didn't ask questions about other people. GIR usually focused on himself or food, though he couldn't eat he still stored food in a compartment that Zim had built to keep things in.

"Zim's day was uneventful, GIR," Zim said, looking down at his completed work. "The Dib tried to hurt Zim again." GIR looked almost upset before completely forgetting about it.

"I made tacos!" The little robot said, sitting on Zim's desk and opening his stomach compartment. Dirt fell out of the little metal container, spilling out on Zim's desk. Zim frowned.

"That's...nice, GIR," He said, wondering where the dirt had come from. Zim flicked pieces of dirt off of his papers and put them back into his folder neatly. "How exactly did you make your...tacos?" Zim watched as GIR shoved the dirt back into his mouth, all the dirt just pouring back out of his stomach compartment again.

"I put dirt in 'em!" GIR said excitedly, throwing his little arms up with a smile. Zim frowned and looked over at his shelf where he stored his books and a small potted flower. He realized that his plant wasn't on the shelf, instead, it was shattered on the floor with dirt surrounding it.

"GIR..." Zim said, turning back to look at the robot. "Please do not attempt to make your own food ever again." GIR nodded happily and hopped off the desk, eating the broken pottery on the ground, claiming that they were nachos. Zim got up and shooed GIR away from the broken pot. "GIR don't eat that, Zim has to clean it up." As Zim leaned down to pick up the broken pieces he swore that he saw the flash of a camera but by the time he straightened to look closer, it was gone.

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