Chapter 5:past and others?

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{3rd pov}
<at the lord household>
We can see both izuku and patrick having there own responses to the interaction that had just took place moments ago as they both had confronted there "family" and "friends", we can now see pat in the workshop working on a multitude of he's project this was he's way of copping with the trauma that haunted him from there 10 years of neglect while izuku could be seen in a room that he turned into he's music studio playing music as this was his way of dealing with trauma as both there girlfriends just stood in the living room at a loss for words as to what to do
{momo's pov}
We were in complete silence but then i had the urge to speak so i did
"Hey kyo we should probably be next to them to support them through this what do u think ?"i asked unsure of what to do exactly
"Ye i think i will try to comfort Zu and from what im hearing it sounds like he's very upset"kyo replied bluntly with a worried tone
I nodded in silence and she got up and headed in the direction of izu's studio while i headed to the workshop where i knew pat would be as tinkering was hes hobby and a copping machinisme, but once i got there i heard pat's voice through the door so i listened in
P"what ?"asked my boyfriend in a tone of disbelief
C"the scanners indicate that they detected temporal elementale energy traces"replied the voice of cortana pat's personal AI
P"that is impossible"pat countered
C"the readings indicate other wise boss"countered back with her usual smug tone as pat liked that in her
P"but how only me and izu can control elementale enrgy its impossible for the scanners to pick up a temporal signature in a place thats not here"pat explained and i could tell from he's tone that he was a bit shocked
C"well im at a loss to boss i checked if the scanners where in proper working order and there working perfectly"cortana agreeing with pat was rare because they liked to annoy each other but this truly baffled both of them
P"well im not no no........they cant.......they cant be back not again, they shouldn't be able to jump this far forward"pat kept muttering like how izu did but he was muttering in denial about something he was thinking about
C"boss what do u mean they shouldn't be able to jump this far forward? And who are 'they' ?"Cortana asked confused and pat was silent for a good 2 minute before he replied with "the rest of the lords and monarchs"
As i heard that i opened the door with a loud thud and shouted at the top of my lungs "WHAT" wich made pat jump and he turned and from he's facial expression i could tell that he realized i had listened to everything and was trying to decide if he should explain or not that was apparent
[few minutes ago]
{kyoka's pov}
I was heading to Zu's studio i still remember the first time he showed it to me it was any music lover or composers dream studio it had everything but what surprised me more is that Zu was in-fact the one and only monarch my favorite music artist. I fell for Zu when we first met and i think i fell for him again when i learned he was monarch and that pat of all people was lord. After i stopped reminiscing about the past i was in front of the studios door, the studio was set up with sound proofing that didn't allow noise coming in or out if the door was closed but that didn't mean it blocked out my earphone jacks from listening in, i opened the door and headed in but didn't close the door fulling as i was coughed by the sad melody Zu was playing.
Zu was sitting in he's chair having a distant look on he's face he looked sad i went to him and hugged him from behind and spoke"everything will be ok im here for u"with a soothing calming tone hoping it would help
I"oh hey kyo, i know im just u know"he replied trying to give an honest answer but failing
K"i know and im here dont worry ill always be by ur side me,ur brother and momo we will all be by ur side"i replied back still talking in my soothing calming tone to try and ease he's worries as he was slightly shaking
I"i.....i wanted to ask u ab--"he was cut off by someone shooting and it sounded like coming from the workshop so both me and Zu headed there
<at the workshop after izu and kyo had made it (they got there like 30 seconds after momo yelled)>
{pat pov}
'Ok calm down pat everything will be fine they dont have to know about this ill just play dumb and then try to change the subject'i thought trying to calm myself and making a plan but couldn't bc mo started talking
"Pat can u explain what u and cortana were talking about?"she asked clearly knowing what we had said or a part of it
"Ummmmm i dont know what ur talking about?"although i didn't mean for it to sound like a question it did which izu took notice of and asked
"Is that a question or an answer?"
I stayed silent then mo spook and she said the one thing i didn't want her to say"pat was all that talk of energy signatures and other lords and monarch?"at the last part i noticed my brother become more curious as to what my girlfriend was talking about i simply sighed and replied with"well guess its time u all learned the full truth of our origin and who u two are to us"little bluntly this of course shocked the trio before me but before they started asking questions again i motioned to them to follow me and when we got to the living room i told them to sit for this is gonna be a long talk i then sat on a chair opposite of them while they sat on the couch i then started
"So to start from the beginning me and izu are the reincarnation of the elementale lord and monarch respectively, our original world is called the elementale realm in it lived many people each unique in there own rite those people composed the 14 elementale kingdoms i say 14 bc the elementale elements only had both me and izu as its only benders so we didnt really have a people. Moving after a few centuries of in fighting between lords and monarch we all came to an agreement that would be for world peace then after a few years of all 30 of us, yes 30 bc there is 15 lords and 15 monarchs."i paused for a minute to let them process what they heard before they could speak up i continued"all 30 of us became close as a big family and the licked to tease both me and izu about us being like the parents of the group while we had 28 spoiled little children running around, now that was actually pretty true"i chuckled a little and continue"anyway, a new force came to threaten the elementale realm and that was darkness at the time we didnt know what had happened and it quickly took over everyone except for 30 that was us but soon after a few battle the last remaining people not under dark's influence was me and izu we cast the resurection spell and we were resurrected in a different world"paused again so they may process then continued"now to make a few things clear the elementale realm still exist in a place outside of time and space to be able to travel to and from there u have to open something called a double gate wich is a inter dimensional portal linked to a temporal one the energy signature cortana got was a temporal signal that was an exact match to our elementale time energy and knowing that only me and u can control that energy that only kept the thought of dark using the lords and monarchs to try to breach into this world"before fully stopping i added"also u two are our soulmates "i stoped there and while i was explaining i had my head down when i looked up mo looked scared, kyo looked worried, izu looked curious? I knew that they paid little to no attention at my soulmate comment and then i spoke
"I dont like the look ur wearing right now izu"i said bluntly of course
"Why did u keep this from us ?"asked my girlfriend
"Well i didn't think that they will be able to get here but now that i got that signature im gonna go work and multiple things also im gonna take a 2 week leave from school so i can work i think around then the temporal energy would build up enough to attempt a portal opening on this side"i replied but soon added"izu dont go near that signature if they have a slight control over the other side of the portal even if not open they can leach of ur power and open the portal early"my brother nodded understanding that right now i need time more that anything soon enough i was back in my workshop having called nezu informing him about my leave but not explaining the reason and keeping it at i just need it pls dont ask. I was now planing with cortana
C"boss so what are we gonna do ?"she asked
P"simple i need u to start working on a few project while i go and work on another one"i replied form the expression her hologram gave me i knew she wanted more info
P"start work on project:creati,earphone jack,enhancement and guardian"this made her expression go to shock
C"are u sure boss u told me to hold off on those bc they weren't ready for the suits and why do u need better ones?
Quick note:
-project creati is a project set to make a suit similar to the one pat and izu already have but it would be specialized to help momo with her quirk cutting down the lipid amount to make things by 10 and making the speed 100 times faster
-project earphone jack is similar to creati but the suit is specially make for kyoka enhancing her echo location and her sonic attacks greatly
-project enhancement is a project that works on making a serum similar to that of the super soldier serum that captain America was given in the mcu
-project guardian was a project centered but not limited to enhancing and upgrading the suits to a degree that was deemed unnecessary by cortana but pat insisted to make that a project which she complied with
end of side note
P"trust me cortana if we are gonna go up against the other lords and monarchs and possibly dark well need them"i replied and added after a little bit
P"ull work on tose projects with jarvis while im gonna go to a place for maybe a week and work on project: cosmos"this caught cortana of guard and she spoke
C"project cosmos ? I never heard of that one did u recently add it ?"she was confused i knew why ofcourse u see project cosmos was a project that not even cortana knew about bc if she did then lets just say the end goal of it was something that should remain in my hands and no one not even izuku should know how it was made
P"no project cosmos is a classified project only i have access too understand that it contains info that i wouldn't let u or izuku look at"i replied explaining my reason altho it was vague she knew that with the mention of her and izu that this was a matter that she shouldn't pry into
C"alright boss if u say so ill get started on the 4 others and i presume you'll head out now and ill expect you some time next week ?"thankfully she didn't look more into it i replied with a yes and headed out of the workshop to izuku's studio where he was
P"hey izu i need to take ur suit for a few upgrades"i stated walking and getting closer to the trio that were playing music
"Didn't u say i couldn't remove the watch once i wore it ?"he asked confused
P"yes u cant remove the watch but i never said i couldn't"i replied he noded and extended hes hand and i took off the watch and told everyone i would be out for a week or so to get a project done after that i headed to the workshop dropped off both my and izu's watches and opened a portal to a place i though i would never have to go to again
<at unknown location>
P"welp time to walk the desert of infinity again and get to the forge of creation"i said sighing to myself bc i didnt think would have to head there ever again

Hello everyone sorry for the past 2 weeks of not uploading i had a few personal matters that i had to take care of i know last chapter i said that this one will have the usj in it but i decided to push that a bit so the next chapter will be around the desert of infinity which is where pat is currently at and he's visit to the forge of creation to work on project:cosmos and he's relation with the great blacksmith keeper of the forge,i hope by tomorrow or after tomorrow i would have uploaded the next chapter and for now i bid u all farewell lord out.

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