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Crying blood. I used to do that when I was little cause of an accident, and I always hated it. Not just cause it was ugly, but because it burned and I had no idea what the fuck was happening to me. @FancyPansy 

15.6M likes and 7M comments

ParvatiLady: I remember that too Lavvy. I'm so glad it doesn't happen anymore 

SavvyLavvy: @ParvatiLady Thanks Vati <333

RonnyBoy: Sorry Lav.

SavvyLavvy: Thanks @RonnyBoy 

GinnyyyyWee: Bit suspish ^^



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Dead people/zombies. Ugh. @FancyPansy 

14.1M likes and 6.5M comments

HPottah: Same.

GinnyyyyWee: Yeah. They're gross. 


LunaLuv: Love you Vati!!

ParvatiLady: Love you too Lu!!



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Deep oceans 

16.7M likes                                       Comments Disabled



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My biggest fear isn't really a fear. It's more of a regret. My mum died when I was about 9. I wish I could have saved her.

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Somebody killing my family. Kind of like @HPottah 

17.5M likes and 10M comments

HPottah: I is here to protect you.

DracyyyM: Fanku Hawwy. By the way, you're my family too. <3

HPottah: I'm crying right now. Literally.

DracyyyM: I'M ON MY WAY BABY!!!!!!!!! <3333333333



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Something called the Backrooms. Look it up.

18M likes and 10.5M comments


DracyyyM: ^

SavvyLavvy: They are gross :/

GinnyyyyWee: LITERALLY YES @SavvyLavvy 



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Just roads like this in general and things running across it like asshole freaks *leaves to throw up*

16.7M likes and 11M comments

LunaLuv: Definitely

ParvatiLady: OML SO TRUE

MioneBaby: Yeah that is pretty disgusting

GinnyyyyWee: *shudders*

Authors Note: When I was looking up pictures for Lavender's fear, I looked up what her boggart was, and it was either a bloody eyeball, a rat, or a rattlesnake. But later, I saw somebody else's was a cobra, so Lavender's probably wasn't a snake. But when I was looking at pictures for her, I found a rat crying blood. Kind of a long useless rant, but what can you do? XD        Some of my biggest fears are spiders, oceans, and loud noises that keep getting louder, kind of like motorcycles. Comment some of yours if ya'll are comfortable with it. <3

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