1) The youngest of the Nagao

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"You shouldn't be doing that, you know," Hironori called as he walked towards the girl, watching her drop a little stone over the cliff.  

She didn't seem to hear him; instead, she continued to lean over the edge, hoping to catch a glimpse of where the stone disappeared off to. He was getting worried now, seeing how close she was.  

"Are you even listening?" 

"Uncle, how long does it take for the stone to hit the ground down there?" she asked, oblivious to his concerned tone.  

He closed the distance between them, picking her up into his arms. Her own arm automatically reached to wrap around the back of his neck. 

"Much longer than it would take you if you fell over," he answered, smile slowly creeping across his face. 

The girl's eyes went wide in horror before looking up at him, realizing he was just teasing her. However, Hironori's smile faded, his expression now becoming serious. 

"You know, everything in this world has its place. Rivers, mountains, people...," he trailed off, looking into the distance.  

"Things are exactly where they need to be and when they need to be. Sometimes, when you disturb that balance, you set things in motion that might become unstoppable one day." 

She watched him intently, trying to understand what in the world he meant by that. Was he going to have her retrieve the stone and carry it up the mountain?  

Noticing the confusion in her eyes, he chuckled softly.  

"Should we head back? I don't think the sensei will be too happy if we're late again."  

He started to turn away, pausing for just a little longer. 

"The view sure is beautiful from up here."

He set her down on the engawa, noticing Ishikawa already down the range, busy adjusting the backing on one of the targets.  

"Now listen, when the body is still, ..." he began, 

"'... the mind starts to see'. I remember, uncle."  

She seated herself in a seiza and bowed to him politely before straightening back up, a little smile dancing across her face. 

"Your father would be very proud, Rin," he said, returning the bow. 

He turned around, just in time to catch a piece of cloth being thrown his way.  

"Nagao," the sensei exclaimed, a shadow of disappointment already taking shape. "Let's find out if any of my lessons are being stored in that mind of yours." Letting out a sigh, he twirled a wind chime in his fingers.  

"Not that I have any expectations..." 

"Yes, sensei," Hironori replied before wrapping the cloth around his head, covering his eyes tightly. 


Rin looked up and frowned, surprised by the memory that resurfaced in her mind. It was a good memory, but it also brought her pain; she hasn't seen her uncle for nearly a year.

She sensed there was a dispute going on in the family, although she wasn't allowed to know any details. One time, while visiting her father at Fort Koyasan, she learnt that her uncle stopped attending the clan councils and withdrew his men from the fort.

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