"Dad?" I asked abruptly, setting my brush aside, and he looked up. "Do you think Professor McGonagall would let me switch from Divination to Muggle Studies? Hermione said she'd help me get up to date tomorrow before I start the subject."

He grinned. "Finally realise the subject is all a load of toss, did you?"

"And Professor Trelawney creeps me out. I have her twice the amount than everyone else because I have those repeat lessons!"

He chuckled, going back to fluffing his own pillows, and stared thoughtfully at them as I gathered my now-brushed hair into a ponytail, grinning slightly too. Tightening my ponytail once more, I sighed and stared at the bed longingly. The illness Dad and I usually suffered because of our lycanthropy was starting to kick in for me and all I wanted to do was sleep now. I chose to embrace this before my inevitable insomnia would kick in. So, as soon as Dad finished fussing around with his side of the bed, I ran to the bed and climbed in, making Dad snort.

"I'll talk to Professor McGonagall tomorrow, tell her that Hermione has offered to help you catch up, and see what she says," he said, pecking my forehead. "And make sure you take up her offer. Hermione is the best tool you have."

I nodded with a yawn and curled up in the warmth under Dad's duvet before clutching my necklace, watching Dad walk towards the bathroom to shower and change. Listening to the voices in my necklace had become a nightly routine for me. Not only was I extremely comforted by Mum's angelic voice, but I also took the time to try and see if I could recognise the third voice at all. I never could, and it really annoyed me. I still hadn't asked Dad about it. It wasn't fair to bring up something he clearly never mentioned for a reason. Even if the curiosity was killing me, I couldn't upset him like that.

"Hello, darling! Mummy here, I love you so much, baby girl, wherever we are. You're beautiful, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise."

"Hey there, sweetheart. Wherever we are, whatever we're doing, just know that we will always be with you no matter what."

"You can't get rid of us that easily, princess. We love you so much, and we'll always keep you safe. But I think we can all agree that I love you the most."

Who was that third voice? Why hadn't Dad ever mentioned him? But, before I could even think about it more, I felt my eyes start to droop and fell asleep immediately to the sound of running water from Dad's shower.


HARRY had put his rainbow ink to use almost immediately. He and Ron almost had to hold me to keep me upright in between our lessons when we were walking from one to another and even standing in line to go in on Monday and Tuesday after Halloween. Because the full moon was just days away, I felt so nauseous and dizzy that I could barely stand up, which I'd never felt before. Was this how Dad felt? It was horrible.

I had told Harry and Ron not to bother because I was making them late for their lessons, but they told me to keep quiet, that they wanted to help. So, to make me feel better, he had started to write stupid little notes in the rainbow ink and throw them at me during lessons. Some were silly compliments about my hair or how 'my eye-bags brought out the amber', but most of them were stupid jokes that made me have to stifle giggles during classes. In Potions, they were mainly about how Professor Snape looked like a cross between a troll and a bat and when I had asked him how he knew this, he told me that he came face-to-face with one in his first year, and it looked remarkably familiar. My outburst of snorts had earned me a warning from Professor Snape, to which Ron whined and said that it was unfair. If that was anyone else in Gryffindor, he would've given them detention without hesitation.

THE CHOSEN ONE'S CHOSEN GIRL - BOOK 1 ~ HARRY POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now