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chapter ten !


EVERYTHING seemed to calm down after the dramatic events of my first week at Hogwarts, but that didn't mean I wasn't fascinated by the castle anymore. If I was honest, I couldn't get enough of it. Dad and I spent the weekends exploring the castle in between homework and marking and, suddenly, I was able to picture his stories so much clearer. The seventh floor where Mum and Dad had their first kiss by the tapestry when they were fifteen, the alcove on the third floor where Dad and his friends hid from Professor McGonagall after accidentally covering the entire corridor with Stinksap in their sixth year, the suits of armour on the sixth floor that James had put on because he wanted to impress Lily with his knowledge of Muggle stories before their Muggle Studies O.W.L. I could picture it all. I'd also been a victim to a fair few of Peeves' pranks, and people had thought I was insane, including Peeves, because I found these hilarious. I laughed every time, and, for some reason, this had made Peeves stop pranking me altogether. He must've got bored because I wasn't getting angry or upset at all.

October came with a particularly cold breeze that fluttered through my hair during our Care of Magical Creatures lessons and made me crave hot chocolate while curling up to my dad on the sofa in his sleeping quarters. I'd kept up my routine of wearing two layers of socks as well as a long-sleeved t-shirt under my blouse, jumper and Gryffindor robe and was rather smug when Parvati and Lavender, who had previously been teasing me about wearing so many layers, had been trying to warm themselves up with nothing but their thin robes after Care of Magical Creatures. However, this didn't affect my friendliness towards either girl, especially when Lavender started sobbing outside Transfigurations on the sixteenth of October. As I was standing with Seamus and Dean, I was involved in the conversation where Parvati was telling us that Lavender had received a letter from her parents to say that a fox had killed her pet rabbit. As soon as the words left her mouth, I laid a comforting hand on the sobbing girl's shoulder, and she gave me a tearful smile as Harry, Ron and Hermione walked over. When Hermione asked what was wrong, Parvati whispered the same words she said to Seamus, Dean and I, and Lavender piped up miserably with a loud sniff, making me squeeze her arm gently.

"I should have known! You know what day it is?"

I stared at her, confused. What did today's date have to do with what happened to her rabbit?

"The sixteenth of October!" she wailed as the rest of the class gathered around us. "'That thing you're dreading, it will happen on the sixteenth of October'! Remember? She was right, she was right!"

THE CHOSEN ONE'S CHOSEN GIRL - BOOK 1 ~ HARRY POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now