Chapter 11 - The Chase

Start from the beginning

"Okay, what about you, why does such a little, little man carry such a big gun" Jack asked. 

"I- I don't even know where to start with you, do you know who you're talkin to?" the tiny man said.

"No, should I?" Jack said mockingly.

"Holy smokes dude, you just fricking killed him" Asta thought to himself. Noelle laughed and Gibbs took a sip from his flask. The boy looked like a part of him just died.

"Uh the quickest man in the world, the lightning  of the west, the flash from spade, blink and you miss him, nothing?" the stunned boy said.

"Nope, nothing. Also hate to break it to you, but I think someone might have surpassed you while you were picking up girls in Tortuga" Jack said.

"Dead body found" Asta and Noelle thought to themselves as Gibbs almost spat his drink. The boy just stood there, trying to figure out a proper response. After a while he recomposed himself. "Okay, I am a force of nature. A true close range fighter. And your kind of guy. Call me scout, Cap" 

"Welcome aboard then, scout." Jack said as he turned to face the stunned duo "Satisfied" he asked.

"Well you proved they're mad" Noelle scoffed.

"And what's the benefit for us" was suddenly heard from the far side of the pier. The closer Jack walked to the source, the more uncomfortable he was as the sudden realization hit him. He slowly took the hat of the person, who said the words.

"Anamaria" was the thing Jack said before he recieved a huge slap. Asta and Noelle exchanged looks.

"So, I suppose you didn't deserve that one" Asta said.

"No, that on I deserved" Jack said as he slowly turned back to Anamaria.

"You stole my boat" she proclaimed with a death stare towards Jack.

"Actually..." Jack said before he recieved an another one "This one I didn't deserve" he thought to himself  "Borrowed, without permission, but with every intention of bringing it back." He finished.

"But you didn't!" Ana shouted.

"You'll get another one" Jack argued.

"I will!" she said with an even deadlier stare.

"A better one!" Noelle quickly added.

"A better one." Jack added.

"That one." Noelle said as she pointed at the Interceptor.

"What one?" Jack asked as the sailors looked at the Interceptor.

"That one?" Jack asked angrily as the sailors looked back at him.

"Aye. That one. What's say you?" he desperately proclaimed to Anamaria.

"Aye!" Her and the sailors cheered and made their way to the ship.

"No, it's fightful ill luck tae bring a woman aboard, sir. 'N'even worse tae bring two." Gibbs argued. Noelle glared at Gibbs for a bit, but stopped when Jack spoke.

"It'll be far worse not to have her" he said as he pointed at something.

The trio of Gibbs, Noelle and Asta tried to find whatever he was pointing at.

 Later that evening the Interceptor is sailing through an intense storm.

The sounds of planks bending, hull stressing and sails tearing was truly frightening to Noelle, but it wasn't the worst thing. She had been seasick for a while, hiding in the cabin from the hell that was happening outside. Asta brought her a bucket, just in case, but it didn't help much. Speaking of Asta, he got his first true sailor experience. He had been following Gibbs's every command, but couldn't help but feel powerless in this hell. If they'd hit a reef, they'd be visiting the locker. That was the only thing he understood from Gibbs. Scout was swinging on a rope he was supposed to tighten with Mundy trying to catch him.  Jack was at the wheel in, what seemed to Asta, was his natural habitat. He stood there stradily, barely moving. This to Asta signaled that Jack was the best sailor here. Jack looked at his compass and steered the wheel ten degrees east. A sudden wave came crashing on deck, flushing Gibbs and Asta, pinning them on the railing. They got up quickly and tightened the ropes. Asta suddenly asked Gibbs.

"How can we sail to an island that nobody can find, with a compass that doesn't work?" Asta asked desperately.

"Aye, th' compass doesn't point north, bit we're nae trying tae fin'north ur we?" Gibbs responded.

Jack looked at his compass again, adjusting their course. Suddenly Gibbs came on the quarterdeck.

"We shuid drap canvas, sir" Gibbs said.

 "She can hold a bit longer." Jack aswered.

"Whit's in yer heid as puts ye in such a fine mood, cap'n?" Gibbs asked desperately.

"We're catching up" Jack said with a massive grin as the lightning struck.

And that' s it for today's chapter and I've got to say, I've had heaps of fun writing it. I decided to not mention Cotton in this one, however don't fret, he's still here. I know this chapter is a bit shorter, however, this part of the story is just as short, so I decided not to bloat it much. Sadly another idea for a book decided to spring in my mind and I am having troubles trying to write this, because my mind tends  to run off somewhere else. However don't panic, I won't axe this one. I am commited to finish this book before I run away to mess in a different dimension. Next one is either coming early friday or late tuesday. I'd love to say, that I finally have a schedule, but I'd be lying. I'll try to write mondays, wednesdays and fridays, but I might deviate from said schedule. Now that's out of the way, I'd like to thank all of you for sticking with this book. It's my first attempt at writing and I knew from the start it would suck, but seeing you guys reading it, even voting for it warms my heart. I'll try on improving my writing and english as the chapters go, so you guys won't cringe everytime there's a mistake. Anyway that's it, and I'll see you, when we'll stop the Blood ritual.

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