~falling apart and needs a gentle hand~

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Harry ignored them all.

He had taken Hermione's advice and took to reading books for the higher grades at Hogwarts. And because of such, he had spelled the door of his room in Grimmauld Place shut with as many locking charms as he could think of.

So...he could keep his true love in his arms for just a little bit longer as he cried, utterly heartbroken.

After Ascella had collapsed into his godfather's arms, he had raced after Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange, dodging Remus who had tried to stop him. Harry's rage had consumed his mind and he couldn't think. The intent to...to...to lay harm, to kill, to utterly destroy them was so strong.

They had wanted to murder Sirius. The closest thing he had to a father. But instead, no matter how accidental it was, they had instead taken his Cella away. His light in the darkness. His favourite star in the midnight sky.

Harry had wanted them to feel just how much pain he was feeling.

They had killed their own daughter, for Merlin's sake!!

He had only been stopped by Voldemort attacking him instead. Then Dumbledore appearing to save him. The appearance of the Minister made everything worse and then their photos were taken, flashes of light that made him want to scream from the memory of his Cella being killed right beside him and the helplessness and failure he felt.

Now here he was, his tears dampening Ascella's raven locks. His body shuddered against her's as he sobbed and burrowed his face into her neck. Harry cradled her ever so tightly, desperately trying to memorise her scent before they inevitably took her away.

The young wizard knew that Cella hadn't loved him. Not like he did her. But listening to stories about his mother and father's 'romance,' Harry had hoped. Even with Sirius's doubt...his godfather had instead grinned and told him not to give up. if Ascella Lestrange was who he wanted, was who his heart belonged to, to not let go so easily.

But yet...the teen was clutching his beloved, his one sided beloved, in his arms as everyone else called out to him from behind his door. either to release Ascella or at least come out and talk to them.

Harry's thoughts instead travelled back to when he found the Mirror of Erised. To what he had seen.

Godric, he had hoped, oh he had. Then again, seeing his parents as well...


It was Christmas and Harry had just escaped Filch from the library when he found Professor Quirrel and Professor Snape arguing harshly, Snape holding Quirrel by his collar against the wall.

"Severus...I, I thought..."

"You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrel."

"W,what of you m,mean?"

"You know perfectly well what I mean."

Snape turned his head slightly, turning a fraction and immediately Harry slapped his hand over his mouth to keep his breathing silent as he stilled under the anonymous gift he had received for Christmas; an invisibility cloak.

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