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The next day, I'm only coughing , nothing else is really much going on. Jadens alarm went off at 6:45 , he lightly shook me to get up.
Jaden: come on princess it's Friday
You: idgaf what day of the week it is I'm not going to school. U can make me all u want but I'm not going
Literally 10 minutes later
You: I hate you
Jaden: love you too princess
I grabbed jadens shirt and leaned him against the wall.
Jaden: needy are we? 😏
You: where's the I in that?

Jaden: ok, I love you baby .
I let go of him, and coughed into my arm.
You: go get me an all black outfit. Sweats and hoodie u know the deal.
Jaden: yes princess
You: don't yes princess me just do it.
Jaden went and got it for me and I put it on.
You: thank you babe.
Jaden: ofc:)

Me and Jaden finished getting ready and left to school.
Jaden: come on baby we gotta go in
You: NO
Jaden: baby
You: I'm not going !!
Jaden came around to my side and opened my door, and got me out of the car.

Jaden: take ur bag and let's go.
I stomped my feet on the ground and jaden rolled his eyes.
Jaden: enough with the whining and let's go.
You: 🥺🥺
Jaden: you need to learn baby.. and your not gonna learn with me just playing nice the whole time.

You: I'm sorry 🥺
Jaden: don't apologize to me. It's not your fault.
You: but-
I started coughing and jaden stopped walking . I was walking slower because I was sick. Jaden came up to me and wrapped his arm around me.
Jaden: your okay
I took a tissue and wiped my nose and threw it in the trash I walked past.

Mads: look, your never gonna catch me. Even if u try. Hahahahahaha.
You: I'm gonna get you back. I'm gonna put you in the hospital. Best believe that. That's how hard I'm gonna beat tf out of you.
I was just getting angrier. I clenched my fists .
Bryce: umm jaden she just clenched her fists and look who's near her.
Jaden: oh hell no this is not happening

Jaden rushed over to us and pulled me away.
Jaden: we're not doing this today
You: I wasn't gonna do shit to her.
Mads: bullshit!
You: you know what's bullshit? You. Why are you even here? Everyone hates you except for your slaves.
Mads: rhat- that's not true
She runs away crying.
I walked away to the caf and put my head down. It's been about a week since I ate, I didn't feel good so I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

Emma: y/n? Is that you in here?
You: what about it.
Emma: bae... why did you just-
My stomach growled.
Emma: no.... No.......
You: I'm so hungry🥺😭
Emma: baby why didn't u tell me
You: I'm sorry
I cried into her arms.

Emma: being the good girl you are, we have to talk to Jaden about this. But first, we have to talk to the social worker.
Me and Emma talked to the social worker.
S: oh goodness honey... please eat. It's good for u.
U: can you.. can you call Jaden Hossler down here ASAP
S: ofc... hello? Hi yes can you send Jaden Hossler down? Thx. He's on his way honey.
~ knock knock ~

S: come in, jaden!
Jaden comes in and sits down.
Jaden: is everything ok?
Emma: jaden... she told me something I told her we had to come talk to her first, then call you down here... it's really important.
Jadens leg is bouncing up and down as a sign of nervousness.
You: babe... I've been- I've been starving myself.
Jaden blinked 3 hard times then looked at me. He was starting to cry.

Jaden: why. Why wouldn't you tell me about this
You: you were having so much fun and u were happy I didn't wanna ruin it for you.
Jaden: baby...
He took my hand.
Jaden: u won't ruin anything for me if you just tell me. That's why I'm here! I'm here for you and with you. U know if somethings wrong U can talk to me.
You: I know... you know how I am.
Jaden: come with me right now.

You: where are we going
Jaden: getting you something to eat. Even if it's just a snack idgaf we're getting you something to eat cause I'm not having you st@the yourself like this. It's not fun and it's not right.

786 words.

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