"About that... I might have... might have possibly... hitched a ride with the mailman."

"You got a ride to work with Mitch?!" Sierra's eyes almost pop out of her head.

"Well, it was either that or not to go to work at all!" I explain. "And while I would've loved not to have made an appearance here today, not to only do I have lift training but Abby would have bitched me out so fast for taking another sick day. So, Mitch it was," I shrug, as if it's no big deal.

"Kyleigh! That guy is a creep! I mean, he hangs outside the house on Friday nights!" Sierra bellows.

"Yeah, so? It's not like he's hurting anyone. And I'm not even there Friday nights, I work the night shift at Timmy's, remember?"

"Well I'm at home on Friday nights and it creeps me the hell out! Plus, I think you're failing to see the point here, Kyleigh. He's 28!" Sierra mumbles, shaking her head.

"What point? So he's got a little crush. Who cares? I certainly don't. And he got me to work on time, so I don't see what the hell you're complaining about. I mean, aren't you glad that I graced you with my presence this morning?"

"To be honest Denver, I'd prefer to never see you again at all," a voice interrupts.

Cringing at the sound, I try to crawl underneath Sierra's desk, hoping the voice is just a figment of my imagination. Sierra, the goody little two shoes that she is, shifts her stupid wheelie chair barring the small salvation that her desk hides. She always did tattle on me when we were younger.

"Seriously Kyleigh? Get up!" she whispers violently out of the side of her mouth, kicking my arm.

That's nice. Real nice. Now I know exactly where her loyalties lie. When it comes to her job and her only sister, I get thrown underneath the bus every time.

Huffing, I slowly get to my feet, dreading the face I'm bound to see when I clear the desktop.

Once Abby's blond streaked head comes into view, I prepare myself for the worst. This lady is such a bitch. I mean, just because she's the youngest registered nurse in the hospital at twenty-two, it does not mean that she can boss me around like I'm some two-year old. She's in charge of all the co-op students from Northern University, it's not like that's anything to toot a horn about.

Abby is standing in the lounge area with her hands on her hips, a permanent scowl etched on her pale face.

"What are you doing here Denver?" she asks menacingly. "Shouldn't you be somewhere else at the moment? Like, I don't know, maybe 4 floors above where you're currently situated?"

Ooooh. Look at the RN pulling out the big words. I'm so scared.


Smiling innocently, I begin to put my fabulous acting skills to use.

"Well you see Abby, my sister forgot her wallet on the kitchen counter this morning. So me, being the nice little sister that I am, decided to bring it to her-"

I gasp as Sierra's elbow finds its way to my diaphragm, knocking the breath out of me while simultaneously making me wheeze like an asthma patient.

"She was just leaving," Sierra comments, before turning to her computer and typing away. She glances at me with an apology in her eyes as if that'll pacify me.

Not a chance.

Meanwhile, Abby is squinting at me as if it will somehow allow her to see into my mind and pick apart the bucket-load of lies I've just served to her snotty little face.

"Really? Sierra hasn't had her wallet all day? Well then, how did she get to work? Did she drive? Without her license?"

Sierra's eyes snap up from her computer, the implication hitting home. I should've just kept my mouth shut.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2014 ⏰

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