Everyone looked grave at this revelation. Perhaps Professor Trelawney wasn't a total fraud. If that was true, I had to keep what she'd told me in mind. Be cautious of a summer's full moon. As I had this repeating in my head, Lavender and Hermione had formed an argument about what Lavender had said. I couldn't help but get kind of angry at Hermione for what she was saying. Couldn't she just let Lavender be sad about her rabbit? Hermione had started to spew out what she called logic, to which Lavender bawled, and Ron glared.

"Don't mind Hermione, Lavender," he stated loudly with venom thick in his voice, and I gave Harry a quizzical look, causing him to return a face laced with a mix of exasperation and boredom, as I stifled a giggle. "She doesn't think other people's pets matter very much."

What happened between those two? They were laughing and, perhaps, flirting with each other at dinner last night. I couldn't decide on who to ask before Professor McGonagall opened the door, and we all walked in silently, Lavender having reduced her sobs to quiet hiccups and pathetic sniffs. But Hermione and what she'd said to Lavender was still on my mind. How could she say things like that to someone who was already crying their eyes out?

Probably noticing my subtle look of disgust towards the bushy-haired girl, Ron swiftly left the desk he shared with Harry and Hermione with a grin and came over to sit beside me, to which I gave him a kind but admittedly confused smile. He just continued to grin as Professor McGonagall began to speak and didn't try to spark up a conversation with me until she left us to do the work she'd assigned. Then he wouldn't shut up. It was quite hilarious.

"I just don't get why she didn't just leave Lavender alone," I admitted when he asked what I had thought of the situation. "Yes, Lavender is an idiot and kind of annoying, but let her believe what she wants. Her rabbit died after all."

He unintentionally barked out a laugh when I called Lavender annoying and an idiot and nodded. "My rat isn't doing well, he's getting a bit old, and I keep telling her to keep that murderous cat away from him, but she won't listen."

I shook my head as we continued to talk and make each other laugh throughout the lesson, despite getting scolded by our professor multiple times, and, for some reason, I felt so comfortable talking so naturally to him. It was the same feeling I got when I first spoke to Seamus, Dean and Neville, but, at the same time, it felt even more relaxed. Ron was fun and always seemed to have a smile on his face, even when Professor McGonagall threatened to take five points each from us for talking more than we were working. In fact, Ron seemed to like me so much that he said I could join him and Harry for lunch today. A part of me was a bit worried that he was trying to replace Hermione with me. As angry as I was at her, I didn't want to upset her by taking her friends away from her. However, I just decided to agree to it for now and deal with the problem if it ever arose.


THAT afternoon before dinner, I was sat in Dad's office with my Transfigurations textbook laying open in front of me as I sat on the floor but, instead of actually reading and doing my homework, my fingers were plucking the strings of my makeshift guitar I'd brought with me to Hogwarts. I'd always loved to play the guitar and even sing, Dad said when I was a toddler, I used to sing nonsense to myself and occasionally to him and Mum, and my favourite toy ever was a pretend guitar James and Lily had got for me for my first birthday. I carried it everywhere, even when we moved around every six months. So, when I turned eight, and it looked like it'd be a long time until we would need to move again, my birthday present was a second-hand and particularly dog-eared Muggle book on how to play the guitar and the music teacher from the village school had allowed me to borrow one of her guitars over the weekends every single week. Dad and I would pick it up every Friday evening and bring it back on the following Monday morning. Of course, after six months of this, I felt selfish and decided to make my own guitar out of the odd pieces of wood we found in the cellar when we moved to the village, and the same music teacher provided us with the other parts we couldn't quite make with wood. My guitar was rather rectangular, and it was beginning to fall apart, even with Dad's Repairing Charms, but I still loved it with everything I had. I'd taught myself every song I knew on it.

"Here comes the sun, doo-doo-doo-doo..." I sang softly as I strummed, grinning when Dad looked up from his marking with raised eyebrows and his own small smile. "Here comes the sun, and I say... It's all right."

"You're supposed to be doing your homework, sweetheart." he lightly scolded, and I pouted. "You're already in enough trouble with Professor McGonagall."

"Dad, it wasn't my fault!" I whined playfully, and he chuckled. "Besides, it's Friday. I have all weekend."

He sighed and shook his head in amusement. "Just make sure you do it after dinner, and I'll make hot chocolate."

"Fine." I exhaled, still pouting, and he kissed my head with another chuckle.

At this, I looked back at my guitar and put it back in its case, locking the case and slipping my Transfigurations textbook in my bag as I kissed Dad on the cheek. I told him that I'd meet him back at his sleeping quarters, and he nodded with a smile, watching me as I left. Sighing, I ran my hand through my hair and walked down the stairs, still humming the song to myself, when I saw Harry and Ron walking in front of me, presumably walking to dinner from the Gryffindor Common Room. I smiled and sped up to walk with them, and both boys smiled at me, greeting me cheerfully. I was surprised Harry was in high spirits, after having to endure everyone's excited chatter about the Hogsmeade trip in two weeks. I was as excited as the next person, the village sounded terrific, and I couldn't wait to explore it, but I didn't want to upset Harry more. I knew he was devastated about being the only third-year left behind.

"Hey, Dessa!" Ron smiled. "Have you recovered from the raven attack?"

I rolled my eyes as he snickered. "I need to stop being targeted by bird-like creatures. A thunderbird is going to kidnap me next, and it'll be Seamus' fault."

Harry laughed, and I didn't know why my heart fluttered at that. The only real time I'd ever spent with him was today at lunch, and we were too busy eating. I mean, yeah. He was cute. But everyone who could see knew that. He was a Potter. He was bound to be attractive. Shaking any thoughts of him out of my head, I grinned and ruffled both of their hair, having to hide my shock at just how soft his messy hair was.

Odessa, stop.

"Oi!" Ron shouted with a huge grin on his face, and I laughed loudly as I ran down the rest of the stairs away from him.

Running into the Great Hall, I skidded to a halt before I could get told off again and calmly walked towards the Gryffindor table. I sat down at the end of the table, claiming three seats for me, Harry and Ron, and looked out for them, grinning when they stumbled in, also laughing. I knew, there and then, that these two were going to mean everything to me.

THE CHOSEN ONE'S CHOSEN GIRL - BOOK 1 ~ HARRY POTTERUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum