"Daddy!" I repeated loudly after trying six times, and he stopped in his tracks to look at me. "I'm fine. It's just a few scratches. Now, stop swearing every other word and come here."

I made room on the bed for him to sit next to me as he visibly relaxed and sat beside me. Chuckling as I cuddled into his chest, he looked down at me, and his hand started stroking my hair away from my face, tucking it behind my ear.

"You know, every time I lay my eyes on you, you remind me of your mother more and more," he whispered, and I smiled softly. "I'm sorry, sweetheart."

I sighed. "It's okay, Dad. I just don't want you to quit here because I did something stupid."

He quietly reassured me that he wasn't going to, and my smile widened slightly as I moved my head to lay on his shoulder. After this, we idly talked about our day and mainly sat in silence, revelling this time together. I needed this. I really did. Even though I was laughing and messing around with Seamus, Dean and Neville all day, it just wasn't the same. Dad and I had our own inside jokes and perfect timings with our dry wit, whereas Seamus, Dean and I were only joking about stuff our thirteen-year-old selves found funny, and Neville was just giggling beside us. I liked that, of course I did, but I loved the humour Dad and I shared more.

After my second dose of the potion Madam Pomfrey had given me and listening to her conversation with Dad, I was walking with Dad's arm around my shoulders back to his sleeping quarters. Madam Pomfrey had only let me out of the Hospital Wing because Dad promised her he'd keep me near him for the next few days, and I knew better than to argue with him. It was annoying, I wanted to go to my classes to show everyone that I was okay, but I knew Dad would feel better if he could look after me. So, with permission from Professor McGonagall, Dad and I were going back to his living area, and I could tell that he'd relaxed more now we were out of the Hospital Wing, the frown on his face slackening and colour returning to his cheeks. I looked down, ashamed. I really scared him.

"I'm sorry, Dad," I said when we entered his room and sat on the sofa together, and he stared at me, his eyebrows furrowed. "If I stayed out of it, I wouldn't have got hurt and scared you."

He chuckled, kissing my head. "As scared as I was, I was also proud, sweetheart. From what I heard from Hagrid, Buckbeak would've attacked anyway, and I'm glad I taught you to protect others. But, perhaps, next time, just pull whoever's in danger away rather than put yourself in that position."

I giggled slightly, ignoring the pain from the scratches, and Dad grinned as I curled up into his chest, my eyes starting to droop. Today was exhilarating. Although I'd rather not get attacked by a hippogriff again, I wanted every day to be like this now. Full of laughter and jokes within the exciting lessons and delicious food from the Great Hall before cuddling up to my dad with homework loitering in my brain or discussing our days. This was my life now, and I had never been so happy.


IT'D taken a few days of begging, but Dad had finally allowed me to go back to classes halfway through Thursday morning, even though I'd missed the first half of my first Potions lesson. Despite this, I pecked my father's cheek as he prepared for his lesson and walked out of his office, asking for directions to Professor Snape's classroom from an older Ravenclaw student, before descending the stairs towards the Dungeons. With a swallow, I exhaled. Why was I so nervous about going back? It wasn't like anyone actively wanted me to get hurt, but... What had they been saying while I was absent? Shaking my head, I retrieved the note Dad had got from Professor McGonagall to explain why I was late as I walked towards the classroom and knocked on the door lightly, opening it with a sheepish smile. Whatever muttering was present before I entered died away, and everyone stared at me. It seemed like everyone was immensely relieved I was still alive after what happened, especially Draco. Standing beside a scowling Pansy, the ghost of a smile graced the Slytherin boy's face, and all of my Gryffindors peers were smiling so wide, I thought I had something on my face.

THE CHOSEN ONE'S CHOSEN GIRL - BOOK 1 ~ HARRY POTTEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora