The man who I now knew to be called Dumbledore also turned to face me. He stared at me for a few seconds in slight confusion before Dad walked over to me and led me into the living room properly.

"Dess, this is Albus Dumbledore, he's the Headmaster of Hogwarts." he started, and that was when I realised where I knew him from, I'd read about him somewhere during Dad's History of Magic lecture once. "Professor, this is my daughter. Odessa."

"Elizabeth..." he whispered, staring at Dad, and I watched him nod slightly at the older headmaster.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Professor Dumbledore." I greeted with a kind smile. "What brings you here?"

The old man smiled. "I'm trying to convince your father to take up a job at Hogwarts. As the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor."

I smiled wider and stared at my father eagerly, making him raise his eyebrows. He had to take this opportunity! He'd always wanted to be a proper teacher!

"And I appreciate the offer, Dumbledore, you know I do." Dad sighed. "But, if people find out, I don't want you getting ostracised for hiring me in the first place."

At this, I frowned slightly. Why was he worrying about this so much? Sure, People didn't like werewolves in the Wizarding community, but maybe if he became a teacher, he'd start to change people's minds about us! Had he not thought about this?

"He's a great teacher, taught me everything I know!" I piped up before looking up at him. "Dad, you deserve this! You can't let people's views on us dictate your career."

I could tell that Dad was trying to hide his smile. He was thinking about it. I knew he was. He would never give up the opportunity to go back to his favourite place in the world and, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Professor Dumbledore's eyes twinkle as he stepped towards us. I sent him another kind smile.

"Remus, think about it. Odessa could have the same life you had and friends like James and Peter. You'll both be safe in the castle walls." he said, and I knew he was going for Dad's weakness - me - and it was working. "I can also provide you with a limitless supply of the Wolfsbane Potion, concocted by Professor Snape when you need it."

That was when Dad knew he had no other way out. He was never great at Potions, and the ingredients were way out of our monthly budget, so we could never try out the potion. But if we could have a limitless supply... It could change our lives. Dad would finally be able to live his dream to be a proper teacher as well as having me attend the school like he always wanted me to. Dropping his hands on my shoulders, he sighed and smiled at me when I grinned up at him.

"In that case, I think we have some books to buy."


I couldn't stop staring. Dad watched me in amusement as I stopped every so often to spin on my spot, trying to get a glimpse of everything I could. Although I was a witch, I'd never been able to visit the cobblestone streets of Diagon Alley because Dad and I were always in hiding and tried our hardest to stay out of the Wizarding community, which we succeeded for the most part. I was just in awe of everything. How were Muggles so oblivious of everything that was so obviously surrounding them?

THE CHOSEN ONE'S CHOSEN GIRL - BOOK 1 ~ HARRY POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now