Chapter 1: Freakboy

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Two weeks earlier
"NATHAN, GET YOUR ASS IN HERE" His mum screamed, face red with rage. "What?" I asked, sauntering in. "You know what, I asked you to go to the store an hour ago and you still haven't" She said, seething. "Ah shit, sorry mum" I said, and went to grab my coat. I was always forgetting things and as a result I never fitted in anywhere. Always by myself at recess, I've never made any friends. "Freak" they'd shout, and they would kick my bag over. I knew I was weird, what with my birthmark being an eye, and I was okay with it. I liked being alone, space to think and never having to share. "What do you need mum" I asked, standing in the doorway. "Cigarettes and bread, and two lottery tickets" she handed me the money, "And I want all my change back"

Walking out the door, I didn't know that soon my life was gonna change forever.

"Ayy freak, where do you think you're going?" I just smiled and walked on "Hey, I said where do you think you're going?" I felt something strike me in the back of my head, and anger starts to boil inside me. "Haha, Freakboy is crying, what are you, a baby?" I get up, and start to tremble "What are you going to do? Hit me?" Suddenly, I felt all the anger released in a flash, and the bullies were frozen in place, mid sentence
I stood where I was, shocked at what was happening before my eyes, did my bullies really just get frozen in time? "What the hell is going on? " I say to myself.

Suddenly, as if waiting for me to say those exact words, the bullies unfroze, and continued their tormenting of me, as if nothing had changed, "Hey Freakboy, wanna see a trick? " the lead bully asked. "N-not p-p-particularly. " I stammered

Sammy, the lead bully, acting as though I hadn't spoken, grabs me by my ankles and flips me upside down, shaking all the money out onto the pavement.

"Lookie here boys, a 20 and a quarter, our lucky day. " Sammy  says, laughing. "Sammy that's my mom's money give it back please. " pleads Nathan. Sammy looks at him in disgust, "Listen Freakboy, I don't care who's it was, it's ours now, c'mon guys, let's head out before he gets his mommy. " they leave, laughing as they go

Nathan picked himself slowly off the ground, wondering how he was going to explain this to his mom

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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