Levi (1)

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A/N: this is terrible and for that I am sorry. Pls leave mean comments

Beep, beep, bee-

I slammed my phone alarm with my palm to get it to shut the hell up. It went flying off my nightstand landing God knows where. I hope I didn't break yet another screen. It's probably time to get a screen protector. Ugh, I freaking hate school. Crawling out from under my nice, warm, soft blankets and starting my day to go to school, I groaned. This will be so much fun.

Okay, so maybe that's a bit extra, but I do hate getting up at 6:30 just to learn stuff I either already know or have absolutely no interest in, considering I want to be a veterinarian. Like, seriously, what does an essay on the structure of an ancient Roman amphitheater have to do with dogs? I thought that school was supposed to help you in later life.

I should really get up now.

I hauled myself out of bed and chose what to wear. I settled with a plain gray tee shirt and khakis. I know, boring, but I have no style, so it would have to do. I pushed my hair out of my face, and attempting to get it to stay somewhat neatly, I fail miserably. After giving up on my messy ass hair, I flung my backpack over my shoulder and ran downstairs. There I found my mom and dad sitting at the kitchen table, and my twin brother Luke practically inhaling cereal.

Ah, my brother. The most popular boy in school, and has more girls crushing on him than anyone else. I mean, I'm not going to say he doesn't deserve to be popular. He's nice, funny, smart, and athletic. According to most people, wildly attractive also. I don't really see it however.

"Hey bro," Luke muffled in between spoonfuls of his Chex, "Jasper is picking me up today, and he said he could give you a ride also if you need it."

And, there it is. Luke's best friend, Jasper. The second most popular boy at Claremont High School. Co-captain of the basketball team, along with Luke. They've been friends since childhood. He's also been my crush for about five years. Oh yeah, did I mention I'm gay? Like, very gay. Gayyyyyy. GAYYYYYYYYYY. I'm not out to anyone though. I'm sure my family would be fine with it, and Claremont is surprisingly accepting, but I'm just not ready to tell anyone yet. I will eventually though.


Holyyyy crap. "Uh - yeah - sure. Th-that would be great," I replied. I probably look like a tomato rather than a human right now with how hot my face was.

"Dude, why is your face so red? You look like an apple or something..." my lovely brother asked.

"It's just hot in here, that's all."

"Okay, Levente," he said with an eye roll. Levente is my full name...but I hate it. I think it sounds odd. So, I just tell everyone to call me Levi and that is that.

"Thank you, Lucian," I answered scoffing at the end. Lucian is Luke's full name. We both hate our names. The one thing we have in common with each other. He playfully elbowed me, and continued trying to beat the world record for how fast cereal could be consumed. He's actually kind of amusing to watch at times like these.

Around ten minutes later, we grabbed our things and made our way out to Jasper's car.

"Hey Jas, how are you?" Luke said, sliding into the front seat.

"Yeah, I've been good. Hey Levi, long time no see, huh?" Jasper asked with a smile.

Looking at my lap to hide the fact I was majorly blushing for the second time in 20 minutes, I answered, "Yep, very long. Thanks for the ride by the way."

All of a sudden, I wasn't dreading school as much as I usually did.

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