Simplygiselle's dare for gent, cheese, player, mother, Veteran, Captain

Start from the beginning


Veteran: Hey, you in there buddy?


Veteran: This is the 12th time you done this...

Veteran: Anyways, speaking of Mother, what will she think of this, doesn't she have a crush on The Gentleman as well?

Axel: Wait wut

Veteran: How long were you listening.

Axel: When the white guy started to zone out

Veteran: Oh, so um hi there Axelotlies.

Axel: Axelotlies?

Veteran: Oh sorry was thinking of minecraft.

Axel: Uh huh, so Mother is now liking this Gentleman guy?

Veteran: I guess so

Axel: But he's getting married.

Veteran: Uh huh.

Axel: Good.

Veteran: But what about Moth-

Axel: She doesn't deserve to be with anyone.

Veteran: Why.

Axel: She just doesn't.

Veteran: Wow your so good at convincing people.

Axel: Really?

Veteran: No, I may have met you for only 17 seconds but please leave.

Axel: **** you

Axel: Wait why am I censored.

This is a kid friendly book, I think.

Anyways, you guys wasted enough time talking about random stuff, The Gentleman and Mr Cheese are both ready for the wedding so let's get started, Captain go get Player and Mother.




... Veteran you get them instead

Veteran: Ngl this feels rushed.

I know but just get them.

Veteran: Got it.

And Axel, you just be Axel

Axel: K.

Now, what do I do with Captain?...  Um.

Mr Cheese: Hey Madam


Mr Cheese: I have one request if that's fine with you?

Well what is it?

Mr Cheese: Can Mr Egg be here

Oh well-

Mr Cheese: I want to rub it in his face that I'm married to The Gentleman and He's not.

... That would be a jerk move.

Mr Cheese: Well not really.

Well I think it is!

Mr Cheese: It's not

It is

Mr Cheese: It's not-

(Once again the I didn't bother writing the whole thing due to idk reasons, in the end I did teleported Mr Egg , and everyone else)

insert every other aul charecter (including Gf and Imposter cuz they're here too) appearing out of nowhere.

Gf: This isn't fnf.

Bro: Oh no I'm 2d-

Engineer: We were always 2d.

Mr Egg: Is this another dare?

Yea, but not for you guys really, nice hair btw.

Mr Egg: Hair?... Oh, thanks!

Stoner: Oh no we're humans-

Not-Orange: Ngl I look hot.

Mr Egg: Shut up Not-Orange, so what is the dare?

Its for the ships between The Gentleman, Mr Cheese, Player, Veteran, Captain, Mother and her ex to get married.

Mr Egg: So only The Gentleman and Mr Cheese?..

Yeah. (Again, no offense to Playvetcap shippers)

Mr Egg: But Why are we anime charecters?

It's in Idol party

Mr Egg: Oh

Veteran: I got Player and Mother!

Mother: Where's Timmy and Franklyn?

Mr Egg: They're asleep, hopefully.

Good, now I can finally start the dare.


(Insert a wedding area)

So um, I have no idea how to officiate a wedding, so um, where's The Gentleman?

The Gentleman: He's not here!

Bro: And he calls me dumb.

Gentleman get out.

The Gentleman: Ugh, fine.

(The Gentleman gets out of idk wearing a dress, All I'll say is that I'm not the only one who laughed for this.)

Blue: Pfft-

Mr Egg: Don't laugh.

Not-Orange: WHEEZE-

Mr Egg: *Facepalms*

Bro: LMAO!

The Gentleman: Oh shut up!

Can we please carry on? Ugh, anyways, were here today to see these 2 get married, any vows from you 2?

Mr Cheese: What's a vow

A promise.

Mr Cheese: Oh sure, I promise to never overreact over things again.

Player: Good luck with keeping that...

Mr Cheese: I heard that!

What about you, The Gentleman?

The Gentleman: I'll never leave you for Mother or Mr Egg again. Or overeact as well.

Anything else the 2 of you would like to add?

Mr Cheese: No

The Gentleman: Not really.

Good, anyways, before we do the "I do" things, would anyone like to disagree?

(mostly everyone looks at Mr Egg and Mother)


Mother: Ummm

Mr Egg: No, we don't have anything to say about this

Happy: Good to know you both aren't going to ruin anything?

Mr Egg: Of course we wouldn't!

Mr Cheese: Sureee

Mother: Who do you think we are?

You 4 shut up, anyways, The Gentleman, would you like to take Mr Cheese as your husband for life or something.

The Gentleman: I do.

Mr Cheese, would you also take The Gentleman as your husband for eternity or so.

Mr Cheese: I do.

Aight now kiss or something.

(The Gentleman gives Mr Cheese a kiss on the cheek, insert cheering or something)

Veteran: Can we have cake now?

There is no cake


Veteran: What?

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