Zoey was gone, so as far as she knew, there was no reason for any of the talk to be bad.

She figured it was because Adam was gone, meaning the two were no longer the "it couple". In fact, they weren't even a couple. They were just Adam Banks and Lexi Conway.

Her thinking was interrupted as she was harshly pressed up against a locker; she let out a gasp of shock before looking up at the person.

"Let go of me, Charlie", she spoke confused.

"What the hell do you think you're doing sleeping with Lucas Riley like a common whore" Charlie spoke as he grabbed the girl by the shoulders.

He heard about it yesterday afternoon, but school was the first time he had seen the girl to confront her regarding the situation. She'd spent the night with the girls.

"What?"  Lexi spoke, confused, looking at his hands which gripped her shoulders harshly.

She looked beside Charlie at Guy, who shrugged, indicating there was nothing that he could or wanted to do. She squirmed out of his grip, rubbing her shoulder as she waited for further clarification.

Charlie rolled his eyes "don't lie to me, it's all over school. You slept with him" he spat disgustedly.

Lexi looked at him feeling both hurt and anger "I didn't sleep with Lucas Riley. Do you really think of me like that?" she whispered.

Charlie looked at her, and Lexi officially felt more hurt than anger. Her own brother thought she would do that.

He should have known she wouldn't. She was, after all, in love with Adam Banks.

"We made out, but I told him, no, and I left. He called me easy; guess I wasn't," she explained, the look in her eyes indicating she was telling the truth.

Charlie placed his hands on her shoulders, bending down to make eye contact. "Do you promise?" he spoke, making the girl nod.

"I promise Charlie", she rushed out making Charlie breathe a sigh of relief as he nodded.

The younger Conway crossed her arms "Now apologise" she demanded, glaring at him, he raised a brow, expectedly waiting for her to elaborate.

"What I do with my body is my business. If I want to share it with someone intimately, it does not make me a whore, and it certainly is not your business to comment," Lexi defended.

Charlie sighed as he nodded muttering a quick apology as Lexi nodded in thanks.

"Not only that, but you hurt my feelings", Lexi muttered before shrugging it off as she looked at Guy, shoving him slightly.

"Thanks for the help", she grumbled to her supposed best friend. Guy simply sent her a sheepish smile before glaring as he heard comments people were making.

"Doesn't having everyone think you slept with him bother you?" Guy asked protectively, cracking his knuckles.

Lexi shrugged as she shook her head "the last time I let someone like that get to me, I tried to drown myself in the bath. Better not to listen to it", she deadpanned, seemingly not bothered by the comments of students as they passed.

"Whore", One of the boys snickered as the girl grabbed her books out of her locker. "Shes easy" one added.

Lexi continued getting her books not even sparing them a glance. She knew she didn't sleep with Lucas and that was enough for her.

"Well, I'm listening to it, and it's not okay with me", Charlie spoke, grabbing the girls arm and tugging the girl to where Lucas stood, smirking with his brother and his varsity teammates.

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