Rebuild a Dream Post-Covid 19

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By: Elie Molly*


What we should prepare for the next two big events after Covid-19: 

(1) the collapse of money and, (2) the nuclear war.

Coronavirus is not happening by itself. It is something manufactured and predicted. Business Insider (2020) proposed a theory that Coronavirus was manufactured by the richest man in Western society who wanted more wealth by producing vaccines. It is also something that has been predicted. Fifteen years ago, an Islamic scholar named Sheikh Imran Hosein has predicted Coronavirus based on the hadith (words of Prophet) and Islamic eschatology. In 2005, the Sheikh said that there would come a time when the hajj/Islamic pilgrimage is abandoned due to the virus, which is happening today. Over 1400 years ago the Prophet had warned people about this mutant/manufactured virus. The Prophet advised, "When you heard about a plague in any land, then do not enter it. And if plague outbreaks in your land, then do not leave your land." (Hadith, Sahih Al-Bukhari 5728).

After studying international relations and Islamic eschatology for 20 years, Sheikh Imran Hosein proposed that the Coronavirus is one of Zionists' agenda. We have known long that the Zionists want to rule the world; they came and stole the land of Palestine and declared a new state of Israel in 1948. This crime and occupation have been done for 73 years with the help of the American government and some European countries united in NATO. According to an Irish professor, Dr. Craig Considine, there were one million Palestinians expelled from the holy land in 1948 by the Jewish settlers coming from Europe after WW-2. He also said that this crime also happened to Ireland under the British occupation; thus, Ireland has become the first European country that stands for Palestine and bans Israeli products and ambassadors from coming to Ireland.

The holy Quran stated that Allah Almighty (God) has warned us about 'three shadows' which was interpreted by Sheikh Imran Hosein as three world's ruling powers (see Quran surah Mursalat). Among the first shadow is Pax Britannica. This ruling power of Britain was signified by the existence of the Pound sterling as the most prominent currency in the world. After 1944, when the American government established International Monetary Fund (IMF), the US dollar became the worldwide standard currency that signifies the transformation of the ruling power from Pax Britannica to Pax Americana. Coming soon, after Coronavirus there will be the collapse of money, banks were closed, and paper money will be no more due to the era of cryptocurrency. This cryptocurrency signifies the change of ruling power from Pax Americana to Pax Judaica. Israel (Zionist Jews) will be the only 'bank' in the world that can control cryptocurrency. They can activate and freeze your account as much as they like. If you post about anti-Israel, your crypto account will be suddenly deactivated, and all your money is gone. You can't claim, coz there is no bank to claim your money. Just like your Facebook account, if you post about the crimes of Zionists, your account will be gone with or without any warning.Thus, the future is much scarier than today's Coronavirus. What should we do? There is one strategy.

(To be continued)


The upsurge of cryptocurrency (followed by the collapse of paper money controlled by the US dollar) signifies the transformation of the world's ruling power from Pax Americana to Pax Judaica. In this age, digital money will be controlled by only one center: Israel. The banking system will be collapsed, banks will no longer operate. Bankers who used to sit on luxury chairs on the 50th floor of the tower will lose their pride. Millions of people have lost jobs during the Covid-19 pandemic, in the era of crypto, this number will increase. People who had much savings and deposits in the bank will lose their money. Thus, the solution: withdraw your money from the bank, and go to the village to invest it in lands and farms. Why?

First, after cryptocurrency becomes the only one 'money, you will not have any freedom to spend your money anymore, because every transaction that you make will be recorded and controlled by Israel monetary center as the only 'bank' that will exist in the world. If, for example, a good man never uses it for buying alcohol, gambling, paying prostitutes, etc, Israel will soon regard him as a "Muslim" or "Orthodox Christian", and mark him as a 'terrorist'. Thus, his crypto account will be blocked, and his money is gone. He can not complain. There is no bank to complain to.

Thus, the only way to save yourself is to not use cryptocurrency. Leave the cities, go back to the village where you will start your own farm to cultivate crops, sheep, and goats. At least to provide for your family. And to have the freedom to choose your lifestyle and protect your faith in God.

Second, the next event after the collapse of paper money is the great war. Israel and the American government have no more patience to declare nuclear war with Russia. Because they are afraid that the more time they wait, the stronger Russian technology will become. It is in line with the US admiral Charles Richard who said that nuclear war with Russia is a real possibility (Washington Times, 2021).

More than 1400 years ago, my Prophet in Islam has warned us about this great war (he called it 'Malhamah'). He said that in this war, 99 of 100 people will be killed. There is no other weapon that can kill 99% of the population other than a nuclear weapon. We remember how the nuclear bomb by American forces to Japan in 1945 has killed 74,000 people in the city of Nagasaki and 140,000 in Hiroshima (Arms Control Association, 2020). It was such a scariest disaster where half of the cities have vanished. Russia definitely will not use nuclear weapons because Vladimir Putin said, "It will kill innocent people, women, and children." Because Putin is a religious man, a Christian Orthodox who is faithful to God and is afraid of doing such murder as American forces did to Japan (and like Israel did to Palestinian using bombs and phosphor). Never in history, a country used nuclear weapons except for the US military, and it can be assumed that the next nuclear war will also be initiated by the USA and its allies (Israel and countries united in NATO). Russia will only defend itself, but western media, as usual, will tell different stories.So what we should do to prepare for this great war?

Build an underground bunker in the village to hide when the nuclear war happens. Prepare many canned food, so you can survive for several months or even a year. Because during the nuclear war there will be no sun, no crops, no rice, no meat; animals will die, and you will have no food. In the glorious Quran, Allah (God) said about "Ad-Dukhan", it is the darkest day where there will be only smoke. What are the truest words other than the words of God? Human lies, but Allah Almighty God never lies. God doesn't need us; we can choose to be good or bad, it doesn't affect His greatness. If we follow His words, it is for the sake of our happiness in this world and the afterlife, not for God.

By preparing for what will come next after Covid-19, we are in the right direction of rebuilding our dreams.

*Elie Molly, author of the book "Dare to Dream".

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The Glorious Quran

Hadith, Sahih Bukhari

Arms Control Association. (2020). Reality Check: The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki. Retrieved from

Business Insider (2020). Conspiracy theories blaming Bill Gates for the coronavirus pandemic are exploding online. Retrieved from

Washington Times (2021). Charles Richard, U.S. Strategic Command chief: Nuclear war with China or Russia 'real possibility. Retrieved from

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