"Dad, please don't get involved. I just wanna move on." I said.

"Hannah, you were happier than I've ever seen you in your life when you were with Roman. I'm not gonna let some girl come in and take that away from you without knowing if this is 100% true." he said. I sighed. "Sweetheart, I know you don't like it when I get involved in your personal problems but you're my daughter and I hate to see you in so much pain. I've stayed out of a lot of stuff since you've asked me to. But please, let me do this for you. If it comes back that it's true, you can do whatever you want and I won't say a word. Okay?" I looked at him once more and felt a tear roll down my cheek as I nodded. He got off the bed and grabbed his phone out before walking out of the room.

My mom put her arm around me and smiled a little. "I know you're hurting honey. It's not the easiest thing but either way, you're gonna be fine. I know it. Because you are strong and you are strong enough to get through this." she said.

"Thanks mom." I said. "I just, right now I don't feel strong at all. I really loved him, you know? I caught myself thinking that Roman was the one for me. I couldn't see myself being with anyone else for the rest of my life. And now that's all gone."

"I know honey. But it isn't wrong for you to want to be with him regardless of him being a father." she said.

"Mom, I'm not ready for all of that." I said. "I'm not ready for babies and sharing that baby with another woman. I can't."

"I know. What I mean is that even if you're not with him, you wanting to be only makes you human. You can't help the way you feel. And if you're not ready for kids, that's okay. Because that makes you human too." she said. I laid my head on her shoulder and she grabbed my hand in hers. "I love you so much honey. And I'm gonna be right here for as long as you need."

"I love you too mom." I replied. It was nice to just sit with my mom like this. I hadn't done it for so long. I couldn't even remember the last time I just sat with her in silence. It was comforting. And somehow it helped. Not enough, but it helped a little.



I stepped up to the door and let out a breath before knocking. This was the last place I knew Jenny lived and we had things to talk about regarding the baby. I needed to know things. This was my kid and I couldn't be in the dark. The only thing she'd told me was that she was pregnant. She didn't tell me if they baby was healthy or if there was anything wrong with the baby. I wanted to know if she knew the gender. Was it a boy or a girl? I had so many questions and things I needed to know. And even though I didn't want to be here right now, I had to have this conversation at some point. Might as well get it over with now.

The door opened and I smiled a little but it wasn't Jenny. It was her mother. "Nancy." I said. "It's good to see you."

"Roman Reigns." she said. "I have missed seeing you come around. Come on in." I walked in and shut the door behind me. "You must be looking for Jenny. She should have told me that you two were on again."

"Actually, um, we're not." I said. "I need to talk to her about some things."

"Well, make yourself at home." she said as she sat back down in her chair. Nancy was a handicap. She couldn't walk without her cane and she had oxygen tanks connected to it. But she was a hell of a woman. She could put you in your place and be nice to you all at the same time. I absolutely adored her when I was with Jenny. "So, how have you been?"

"Good." I said. "Things were looking up for me. I had a new girlfriend and, honestly she was the highlight of my life. She was the girl I was gonna spend the rest of my life with."

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