Henry looked at boy, He pulls out a vial of pixie dust he said to Henry

'Pan wants me because I stole pixie dust so I thought I could use it to fly away and go home. But it doesn't work. It's useless.

I watches Henry he said

'Don't worry my sister and family will come to rescue me, and you could come with us'

Boy looked at Henry Boy ask

I smiles, I notice Past Peter ask

'Who is your sister?

Henry smiles, he put his hand into his pocket showing his sister Henry replies

'Her name is Greta she taken me to the fair where I was kidnap by Lost boys come on we need find place to hide from Lost boys'

I watches Boy stand Boy said

There's a place they can't track us. The Echo Caves. But it's far.
Henry: Then what are we waiting for? Lead the way.

Henry and the boy run into the distance, they running through the forest and they are at the edge of the cliff Henry and boy hears They're over here!

Henry looked at boy Henry said

What do we do? Is there any other way to the Echo Caves?

Boy looked scared Boy said

No. We're done for. I'll give them the pixie dust. Maybe they'll let us live.

Henry looked shocked Henry said

You want to give up?
Boy told they don't have a choice they got us

I watches her brother she knew he wouldn't give up that easy Henry said

'No, it's our way out'

I watches Henry grab the pixie dust Boy ask

What are you doing?

I watches my brother Henry smiles Henry replies

'Getting a running start.
Boy: For what?
Henry: Everyone knows pixie dust is for flying.
Boy: Don't you remember? The dust doesn't work.
Henry: That's because you have to believe.

I watches brother I notice Boy looked scared Boy said

'I definitely do not believe!

I watches my brother Henry smiles Henry told boy that's okay because he does Henry opens the pixie dust bottle and, with a running start, uses it to fly himself and the other boy off the cliff moments before the Lost Boys arrive.

They are flying in the air Henry looked at Boy, they both smiles they got lower to the lower as pixie dust runs out they fall to the ground and get up Henry said

'See? If you believe, anything is possible.

I watches my brother she hear Peter said

'You couldn't be more right, Henry'

Peter looked serious he wearing brown robe

Greta watches her brother he looked shocked Henry replies

'How... How'd you know my name? I never told you.

I watches Peter grinning at Henry he said

'Let's make it a game. A puzzle to solve'

I watches my brother Henry looked worried and shock Henry said

'You lied to me. You are a Lost Boy. You work for Pan'

Boy went close to Henry face he said

'Not exactly. I am Peter Pan'

Henry looked at Peter pan the boy who send those lost boys to kidnap him and brought him here Henry ask

'Why did you bring me here?

I watches my brother Henry glaring at him Peter said

'Because Neverland is dying and we need your help to save'

Henry still glaring at him Henry ask him what

Peter grins he said

'You have The of the truest believer. And when you took that pixie dust, Henry, and jumped off that cliff,

I watches Peter knocks on the tree he says

'You proved to me that you are, are the lucky owner of that very special heart. And now? You, and it, are mine.

Peter pulls out the knife Henry step backwards Greta knew what he was thinking that he should held onto her hand at the fair

I watches my brother Peter grins Peter said

Come on, boys!

Henry watches as lost boys surround him he looked at Peter, he said

'Let's play!

I watches my brother Henry looked at Peter, Henry said

'Okay I will help'

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