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It has now been decades later since the last time that Y/n saw Klaus. Y/n still remembers Klaus's touch but Stefan on the other hand doesn't even remember Rebekah. Stefan does remember seeing Damon for barely a second. Y/n and Stefan have been tracking Damon ever since they last saw him, Damon was seen in Mystic Falls so Y/n and Stefan made their move into mystic falls.

Y/n: mhm if it isn't the smell of home sweet home

S: we aren't staying for long just until see find out where Damon is

Y/n: why so bitter we are where your ex girlfriend turned you into a forever living blood sucker

S: shut up

                                                                             ~Y/N'S JOURNAL~

Dear Dairy,

It has been a while since the last time I have wrote in you but I just wanted to give you a update about well my life now. Stefan still doesn't remember Klaus or Rebekah. I know this sounds weird but I really wish Klaus would have compelled me, every time I speak to Stefan about finding him he thinks I am crazy its like I am imaging a whole story except I am not it all happened. I have found some leads on Klaus he has been looking for a doppelganger to to some spell to make him a hybrid which is a vampire and a wolf. He was asking some waitress in the mystic grill about Elena Gilbert I did some research and found out that both of her parents died by driving off the bridge with with Elena in the car I didn't understand how she survived, I was going through the books in the house and found Stefan's journal. I read a couple pages and realized that Elena Gilbert was a doppelganger she looked exactly like Katherine, Stefan apparently had some type of obsession with her. Anyways today is a very big day I am going shopping with Elena, Caroline and Bonnie we are having a girls day. I also want to find out more about Elena. But yeah that's pretty much it for now I will see what I can find out on Elena and why Klaus needs her for the spell, that's pretty much some's up my life at the moment.

~At the clothing store~

Caroline:C Bonnie:B Elena:E

C: look at this red dress it is so beautiful

y/n: its the color of blood

E: Ok .... anyways y/n is Stefan coming

C: yeah is he coming

y/n: no he is not coming

B: I really don't understand what you guys see in him

y/n: me either, anyways I have to go guys

C: seriously we have only been here for 2 hours

y/n: exactly bye guys

C,B and E: Bye!!!

~At home~

Y/n: Stef I am home

You see Stefan making out with a random girl

S: Y/N you weren't supposed to be home for another hour

you grab the girl and compel her to leave and to forget

Y/n: eww nasty gross disgusting

S: yeah what-

someone grabs the girl and snaps her neck

D: Did you miss me?

A/N: Hey guys I know this chapter was pretty short but I hope you enjoyed. Feel free to leave comments and some ideas for the story. :)

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