description: Tark

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Marvel script:

about you:
Full name: tark kitsune
Superhero name: tark
Powers: controls time, healing powers
Powers origins: an ancient sword that helps contain these powers and only tark can pick up
Backstory: my parents were slaves to adocx (our ruler of our planet) and he found out we had powers so he tried to kill us, but he ended up destroying our planet and Thor saved us and we were the only survivor's
School/occupation: we are homeschooled
Living quarters: with mr. stark (tony stark)
age: 17
sexuality: bisexual
pronouns: he/him

physical attributes:
Hair: dark brown hair (medium)
Eyes: purple (when using power) brown (regular)
Nose: regular
Lips: regular
Body: not skinny, not chubby, not muscular in between
Skin: tan
Clothes style: nerd (tony stark type style)
Costume/suit: purple and black armor (suit type is like Thor)

here you write those extra little things. For example:
-I have a high pain tolerance
-I am agile and intelligent

mother: Angelina Kitsune
father: Charlie Kitsune
siblings: Orenda Kitsune
other family: bruce banner (holk) took us in as his own
pets: none
love interests: i have a crush on natasha (black widow) but no gf/bf
enemies: the bad guys of avengers and i've fought captain america but it's all good now
Good guy or bad guy?: good guy
Avenger or no?: avengers

Here you can add images/photos/videos for visual representation of some things you might want to add.

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