Henry and the Bad Girl - Pt 1 (23)

Start from the beginning

Knocking me back into reality, I hear a rustle of leaves. I squint my eyes, allowing sharper vision. The noise crept closer and closer, until Captain Man wobbled out of the bushed whistling.

I roll my eyes and pop up from my spot, "Captain Man!"

Ray jumped out of his skin, soon calming upon realizing it was me, "Danger Girl? Aren't you supposed to be on watch?"

My expression fell, "I am," I looked around, noticing an absentee, "Where's Henry?"

Ray shrugged, "He's at base, watching for the Wall Dogs,"

"What if they show up?" I scrunched my eyebrows.

"Then we catch them," Ray grumbled.

"Ray, you can't just leave him alone," I rolled my eyes.

"Then go find him," he shifted his weight, "Now go away, I gotta pee,"

I huffed and began in the direction Ray came from. Hearing voices when I neared the windmill, I crouched behind a bush to listen.

"This isn't over!" I hear Henry, "You can run now, but sooner or later I'm gonna find you,"

"Well, I'll make it easy for you. Meet me tomorrow night, midnight, right under the Swellview sign," a female chirped, "Come alone,"

My eyebrows raised out of habit. I shifted in my spot to get a better view of the situation. Henry was handcuffed to a ball washer as a girl with long blonde hair stood in front of him talking.

"Alone?" Henry repeated.

The girl inched forward toward Henry.

"No, what are you- no please don't-"

Henry got cut off by the girl connecting her lips to his. I was taken aback. Henry stood gobsmacked as she backed away.

"Isn't that more fun than fighting with me?" The girl said with puppy eyes.

I mocked her voice under my breath.

"No," Henry answered sharply, "Maybe,"

My heart dropped to my stomach.

"Kind of. I can't be sure unless you do it again,"

I fell onto my back, allowing my ears to listen in.

"Maybe I will tomorrow night if you come alone," 

"But, I-"

"Bye, Herbert,"

I hear footsteps fade away. Noticing Captain Man making his way toward me, I stand, acting as if nothing happened.

"Whatcha doing?" He smiled down at me.

"I got lightheaded and had to sit," I pursed my lips.

"Okay," he shrugged it off, "Let's go see how Henry's doing,"

We jogged into the clearing and saw Henry locked to the pipe.

"Hey," Captain Man breathed out, "I'm done peeing,"

Henry stood staring blankly at the superhero.

I rolled my eyes at the two of them, "Let's get him free, Ray,"

I sat on the couch picking at my chapped lips. I stared blankly at the table, still engaged in my surroundings, but numb.

"Will you guys hurry up and get these handcuffs off me?" Henry struggled against the cool metal, "I've had an itch for an hour and I can't scratch it,"

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