Jean x Lisa - Family Part 2

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Jean could see the nervousness in her eyes so Jean slowed down and smiled a warm smile at the young girl. Jean knelt down to her level and offered a small wave.

"Hello there. My name is Jean, what's your name?" Jean asked as nicely as she could. She could see the girl was eyeing her hand questioningly and she hesitated to answer but she eventually did.

"Hannah." The young girl whispered, not making eye contact. When she didn't reach out for Jean's hand, Jean smiled and pulled her hand back.

"It's nice to meet you Hannah. Is that your sibling over there with Miss. Lisa?" Jean inquired since she saw the way that Hannah eyed the little kid in Lisa's lap earlier.

Hannah nodded. "Yes...that's my brother Oscar."

"That's a very nice name. How old are you two?" Jean asked. She swapped her position so she was sitting cross legged beside Hannah.

"I...I'm 7, Oscar is 2." Jean nodded. Her heart cracked a little. They were so young and already lost their parents, it was so not fair.

Jean suddenly chuckled a little when she noticed that Oscar was trying to climb up Lisa's shoulders. Even Hannah had to smile a little at that.

"Oscar likes to climb things that he shouldn't." She said quietly.

"He's certainly adventurous for a 2 year old." Jean commented.

"Are you here to adopt someone?" Hannah asked abruptly, throwing Jean for a loop.

Jean blinked a few times. "We are. Miss. Lisa and I want to start a family, so we decided to adopt. We want to meet everyone first though to make sure we're a good fit."

Hannah nodded understandingly. She was quite used to couples coming and going. Sometimes children left with them, other times that was not the case.

"Leon has been here the longest, apparently." Hannah said, pointing to an older boy who looked to be about 15. He was carrying a younger girl by the hips so she could place some utensils on the dinner table since she was too small to reach the top on her own.

"Or maybe, you would like Lilly." Hannah said, nodding towards a girl around her age who was sitting around a pile of books. "She's smart and loves learning."

Jean sat quietly by Hannah's side as she ran through a list of everyone in that orphanage and explained why they'd be good to adopt. Jean was amazed at how observant the young girl was but one curious thing stuck out to Jean.

"What about you and Oscar? Would you two like to be adopted as well?" Hannah frowned and shrugged her shoulders. "We're okay here I guess." Hannah didn't offer an explanation and Jean didn't feel right asking so she left it at that.

Even if she did ask, she probably wouldn't have the time to receive an answer because shortly afterwards, the voice of Maryland rang through the area.

"Dinner time, children! Please wash your hands and come to the table. We have some delicious stew and toasted garlic bread for everyone tonight."

Almost immediately, all the children scattered and left the room. Lisa stood up with Oscar in her arms and Jean stood up too. She offered a hand to Hannah who hesitantly took it. She allowed Jean to lead her to where the rest of the group congregated. Lisa appeared by Jean's side with a smile on her face. She smiled down at the young girl and greeted her.

"Hello there, I'm Lisa. What's your name cutie?" Jean saw the young girl blush at the term Lisa used and Jean had to laugh to herself because she completely understood how the girl felt when being addressed by Lisa.

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