Hunter and Throne dating

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"Hey Hunter you said that I have to meet you at lunch today." she said. "I was thinking if you want to be my girlfriend?" Hunter said. "Yes I would love to be your girlfriend." Throne said with joy. Meet me in the woods at the dam (how I call it the falls) at midnight tonight because it is Friday." Hunter said. Then Monday they were assigned as partners for a Social Studies project about the CIVIL WAR. "do you want to work on it at my house or yours." Throne asked. "Lets work on it at your house." Hunter replied. " Lets go into my library and work on it but my dad doesn't know what we're doing." Throne said. "Throne who is this?" Mr.Jovi said. "Dad, this is Hunter. Hunter this is my dad. He is overly protective about me. He did that when I was moving. Also dad he is my boyfriend." Thorn said. "Listen here boy, if you break my oldest daughter's heart you will have consinquenses. Do you understand?" Bon asked. "Yes sir." Hunter said. "Now run along. Also the record company called and you have to make a new music video for your new album. So over summer you can work on that." he said. "Ok dad." she replied. So they worked on the project and got it finished. Then Hunter and Thorn kissed each other and all of the sudden the media people were outside the window and wanted to get a picture of Throne and Joey walked into Thorn's library and said: "Hey, what the in tar nations is going on here." He said. "JOEY!!!!!!!" Thorn yelled and started chasing him with a riffle that she uses for hunting. "I am so sorry Hunter my brother Joey just loves drive me crazy." Thorn said. "I never seen a girl run after her brother with a riffle and that is so awesome that you can get away with it." Hunter said. "Thanks." Thorn said.
Please go straight to Thorn's sweet 16? And then to returning to school
Peace out: Student206950

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