How they cuddle you

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- *flustered fish noises*

- How does this work??

- Lots of nervous touches. You may also accidentally bonk heads together trying to get comfy

- But once you figure it out, it absolutely becomes his favorite thing ever.

- Tired after a long day at school? Cuddle.
You're having a movie night? Cuddle.
Bruno just won't shut up? C U D D L E.

- Luca tries to find any and every opportunity to cuddle. Holding you that close makes him feel.. whole.

- Curls his tail around your legs/tail (if you have one)

- Will DIE if you gently hold his fins and caress them. Brain shuts down.

- His hands are either playing with your hair or, if you're like him, reciprocating the fin touches

- Lots of sleepy mumbles from him. You've tried to keep up a conversation with him while he's like that but he ended up falling asleep, with you following after.

- Doesn't have a preference between big and little spoon, surprisingly

- Sleepy kisses. He just can't get enough

- "I love you so much..."


- Did you just

- Mention cuddles around Alberto?

-As stated previously, this boy LOVES physical contact

- E̶s̶p̶e̶c̶i̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶i̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶f̶a̶v̶o̶r̶i̶t̶e̶ ̶p̶e̶r̶s̶o̶n̶

- If his tail is visible, you'll see it wag when you two talk about trying cuddles

- He gives tight hugs. The ones that make you feel safe

- Scratch behind his ear and he'll purr.

- Will often initiate cuddles, especially if you're doing something else

- "Hey, I was reading that book."

- "The book can wait, unlike me"

- If you're still not cuddling him, he gets impatient. Can and will whine until you hold him

- Likes to squeeze you a lot

- Expect lots of small pecks, typically on your face, neck, arms (pretty much anywhere if you let him)

- You two talk about anything and everything while cuddling, whether it be your day, a weird crab Alberto saw on lifeguard duty, or just random, passing thoughts

- Massimo has, more than once, found you two napping together, with Alberto on top of you, holding you tightly


- Cuddles??


- Has a habit of tackling you, especially if you mention wanting to cuddle.

- "Too much?"

- "Never!"

- Lots of giggling.

- Hides her face in the crook of your neck (bonus points if you're ticklish and try to push her off, you CANNOT get her to, ever)

- One time you fell asleep while cuddling and she just.. looks at you with all the love and admiration in the world

- PILLOW FIGHTS. Don't even try it, she wins every time

- "I just went easy on you!"

- "Yeah right!"

- very warm

- The fastest way to get her to chill about cuddling is when you gently run your finger from the bridge of her nose to her forehead

- Will never admit it, but it's her favorite thing ever

- Giulia is an early riser, but whenever she wakes up in your arms, it's the only time she stays in bed

- "Giulia.."

- "Just a little longer.."


- Ercole wasn't hugged a lot as a kid, so physical affection is quite new to him

- You two were just hanging out in his room after his parents left him for the summer

- You just.. motioned for him to sit with you on his bed and.. hugged him???

- Ercole.exe has stopped working

- Surprisingly, he's pretty hesitant to cuddle you back

- Don't get him wrong, lord knows he wants, heck even craves all the affection you give him, he's just.. Surprised you're willing to do this with him

- After a while you get worried that he doesn't want to do this, so you start to get up-


- He pulls you on top of him, startling you

- "Whoever said you could let go?"

- if you DARE try to get up, he'll wrap his arms and legs around you so you can't escape

- Ercole is... in Absolute Denial about liking cuddles

- But you cannot escape the kisses.

- "Your whiskers are tickling meee"

- "That is your own personal problem"

- It takes him a bit to start initiating cuddles, but he gets very clingy once he does

- "This cuddle session isn't over until I say it is!"

- You shut him up with a kiss

- He's a bit confused, but he's got the spirit

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