act one; scene ten

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act one; scene ten
get lucky

hawkins, indiana
hawkins sherif dept.
saturday night dec 24, 1983
10:31 p.m.

one month, it'd been a month since the gate was seemingly closed, christmas was tonight and i was hanging out at the station. with hopper and his coworkers having a work party, i wasn't here because i was in any trouble, though i was kinda under house arrest since hopper needed to have something to control.

i took a bite from a frosted cookie pulling on my coat with a faux trim, closing the door of the archives room, which i enjoyed snooping around every now and then. for what it was worth hawkins was boring till i came along.

it was louder in the entrance than it had been earlier in the day, i walked past hop, "ready to go," he nodded pulling on his jacket and straightening himself out, a cig in his mouth. i headed to the door waving flo goodbye, she stopped me by handing me a bowl of goodies from the party, "merry christmas felicity," i smiled thanking her and wishing her a merry christmas.

i continued to the door, some higher up with his wife on his hip held it open for me. i pulled a smile, "thank you," i hummed heading towards hops sheriff truck, he always left it unlocked, surprised his wallet hasn't been stolen.

he came out a minute later with a plate of cookies in hand, he slumped into the drivers seat passing me the plate to hold. he drove the usual route we took into the forrest. "it's been a month, you think eggos are really keeping a little girl nourished?" i asked looking out the window and only turning to him once he made a clicking sound with his tongue.

"don't think she was fed much in that laboratory, either way you do know that i leave tupperware's with other food there, right? she loves those waffles maybe they'll lure her out," i nodded along, my arm extending to the radio and turning it on. i guess it was a sort of hobby at this point, trying to find her before the lab people did, "kinda weird you're trying to lure out a little girl with sweets," i joked.

he frowned, not impressed at all by my antics, "lighten up, i wasn't being serious," he pulled off the side of the road slowing to a stop by the break in between the trees, "you always been an ass?" he asked pulling the bag of eggos out the arm rest and walking out the car.

i shrugged in response to his question, even though he wasn't in the car anymore, and then i got out and followed his steps up to a box in the middle of seemingly nowhere. he seemed disappointed at the site of the food being untouched and placed the eggos on top of the yellow lid still covering the container. "let's go," he said turning back to the car, i looked around the forrest before going back.

once inside the car i went to touch the radio again, but it zapped me, "what the hell," i grumbled touching the tips of my fingers, seeing if i'd lost sensation in them. hop eyed the radio and went to turn on the car, after trying three times the engine finally started up.


by the time i had made myself warm in hoppers trailer it was 12:38 a.m. i went under the couch cushions looking for the gift i'd bought hopper, "merry christmas!" i said turning to him as he walked out to the kitchen.

he groaned, a box he held behind his arms was now being pushed towards my hands, "thanks" we exchanged looks as we unwrapped them. "are you serious," we said at the same time holding up our joke of gifts. "a hawaiian shirt?!"

"a doll?" i said looking at it, he does know i'm 16 right?

"it's actually neat, thank you," i said looking at the packaging, it'd definitely be displayed in its box. it was a kewpie figure, i laughed seeing the tiny baby. "yeah i guess yours isn't that bad," he said folding it under his arm and heading to bed. "goodnight" i drawled out as i turned the lights off and headed to the couch to sleep in another uncomfortable night.

.。*゚+.*.。 word count: 730 .。*゚+.*.。

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