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"Like helpless Hephaestus in awe at his ability to tame Aphrodite"

Rosemary Jade Ortiz Toretto never thought her life was going to get this crazy or be this extravagant. 

She didn't think that being married to Jakob would put a target on her back. She didn't think that Letty would ever come back. She never thought that Han would come back. She didn't think that being away for Jakob for so long would leave her hardened and depressed at the same time almost numb to a sense. She didn't think Papa Toretto dying in that race would be the catalyst to a broken family. She didn't think that Jakob hiding the truth from Dom would end up with him being chased out of their home. She didn't think marrying him would turn out with him leaving the very next day. She didn't think she'd join the army just to become hardened by her time over there. She hoped that working for the good guys would give her redemption for working for the bad guys. She thought working for the bad guys would give her that adrenaline rush that she needed to satisfy the need she had for it and make her feel closer to Jakob but also Dom and the crew. She didn't think she could miss Letty as much as she did but still be so upset with her. 

Rosemary just didn't think her life would get this crazy and turn out the way it did but if she could go back and change it. She knows she wouldn't do a damn thing over and everything that's happened has made her who she is.

"You love him , you do, and here's the god damn miracle : he loves you too . But this isn't a fairytale. The good doesn't always win. Love doesn't always prevail. The bad guy wins sometimes. This is real life. This is a cruel cruel world and baby you've gotta be ready for the heartache that'll come."

Rosemary Jade Ortiz TorettoWhere stories live. Discover now