Chapter 19- The Mirror

Start from the beginning

"Gandalf the Grey did not pass the borders of this land. He has fallen into shadow," she murmured quietly.

Noelle suddenly recognized Galadriel as the voice that had been speaking in her mind back in the forest.

Legolas looked up. "He was taken by both Shadow and Flame. A Balrog of Morgoth. For we went needlessly into the net of Moria."

Noelle tried her hardest to blink back the tears that were forming in her eyes, but it wasn't working. She looked down instead. One thing the Jedi couldn't teach her was to control her emotions.

"Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf in life," said Lady Galadriel. "We do not yet know his full purpose." Her gaze rested on Noelle, who froze in place. If she could run away and hide right now, that's what she would do. But she couldn't.

"Do not let the fall of Gandalf trouble your heart, Noelle Smith. For fate does not always give one the power to save life. Often times greater sacrifices must be made. Love is now mingled with grief."

Noelle just shook her head quietly to herself. Gandalf could have been saved. She could have saved him. She didn't know how Gandalf would have let himself die purposefully.

"What becomes of this Fellowship?" Lord Celeborn asked. "Without Gandalf hope is lost."

Noelle really wanted to run away right now.

"The Quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail to the ruin of all," Lady Galadriel said. "Yet hope remains while the Company is true. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now, and rest. For you are weary with sorrow and much toil. Tonight you will sleep in peace."

Noelle highly doubted that.


The guy's tents were all a great deal away from Noelle's, but honestly, she was happy about it. She needed sleep, even though she knew she wasn't getting it either way. Gimli's obnoxious snoring wasn't her problem for now, but there were still the dreams.

She lay wide awake on her blanket on the soft green grass and brown leaves that littered the ground, staring at the roof of her tent. In the distance, she could hear a quiet, calming chorus. The voices were in Elvish and she wondered what it was they were saying exactly.

Noelle turned into her other side for the hundredth time tonight.

"Noelle?" came a soft whisper outside her tent.

Startled, Noelle jumped and peered outside her tent. It was Legolas standing a few feet away. He seemed to have a thing for sneaking up on her- or maybe she was just too jumpy. Wrapping Ahsoka's old cloak around herself, Noelle decided to come out, as Legolas couldn't really come in.

She met his eyes. They had a solemn sadness about them. He stepped closer and she didn't move. "How are you faring?"he asked softly.

Noelle knew if she tried to speak, she'd start to cry. She just shrugged.

Legolas's brows furrowed in sympathy. He reached out to touch her arm. "Noelle, I am so sorry..."

Noelle looked down. "I just can't believe I..." she whispered. She stopped and took a deep breath before forcing herself to continue. "I can't believe I couldn't save him. Please don't tell me it wasn't my fault. Please."

Legolas was silent for a moment. He really looked like he didn't want to say this. "What if Gandalf did not want you to save him, Noelle?"

Noelle swallowed.

"I must walk this path alone." That was what Gandalf had said to her.

"I don't know," Noelle whispered. She wiped away her tears on the sleeve of her cloak. "What's that singing?"

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