~Chapter 2 We Can't Be Too Sure What We Find On That Ship

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Nogla POV

After telling everyone on the Skeld that Marcel aka the Captain called a meeting at the cafeteria. I, myself, made my way to the cafeteria to attend the meeting myself. Everyone was gathering together in front of the circle table in the middle. It was pretty crowded to be honest and not everyone was even here. "Okay crewmates, the reasoning behind me bringing you all here today is because we just got news that a ship nearby is giving out an S.O.S signal..we don't know what to expect since they didn't tell us any additional information so this could be serious, I want everyone on that ship, we can use all the help we can get, Puffer, Anthony, and Scotty will stay here and guard the ship...we should be arriving in a few hours, in the meantime I want yall to ready up and get the gear you need before we go on that ship" Marcel explained the whole situation. In all honesty, I almost passed out, I felt like I was being lectured at a school or something.

I yawned as we all left in our separate directions. I caught sight of Brian, I was gonna go and say hi but then I remember what he told me this morning. 


"Nogla, when are ya going to get your fucking head out of the focking stars and do something useful for once...all you do is make people get behind on their tasks, people on this ship are working for hours to just keep this ship in perfect condition....NOW, stop acting like a fucking kid and actually try to contribute for once..." Brian lectured. I was shaking a bit, he just straight up screamed at me. As Brian was leaving to go to storage, he stopped at the door. Brian looked me straight into my eyes, "I wished I could just throw you into the airlock already, you should be with your people..the trash..." Brian insulted me. My heart broke, how could he just say that to me. I glanced down at my journal opening it to look inside.

I quickly flipped through the pages and finally stopped at the last entry. I treated my journal like a diary, updating it from time to time. I sometimes showed Brian some pages or funny moments we had on the ship. We rarely had anything bad happen to the ship. Except if you count the asteroid that grazed the top of the ship three months ago. Other then that it was pretty peaceful and quiet, just like any other day. I sighed, tears began to form in my eyes as I stared at the last entry.


Me and Brian are so close to each other, we are practical brothers. I mean, we even have the same accents and everything. It's hard when people make fun of your accent, they make fun of us for it but I know they're just messing around. But yeah, nothing to exciting happened today. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I'm thinking of making Brian a present. Maybe something simple like a friendship bracelet.

I don't think I plan on telling Brian this, not that I don't trust him or anything. I just been dealing with my own emotions lately. I didn't realize it at first but I think I'm starting to have feelings for Tyler. I know Brian will just be an ass and try teasing me or worse tell the other crewmates about my crush. I don't think Brian will even look in my journal, he just says it's boring and a waste of time. 

~End of Entry

I shook my head, trying to get rid of any additional negative thoughts. I should probably get ready for when we get on the ship. Basically will most likely be putting us in separate groups depending on what we were specialized in. I didn't really have a specific skill like medic that was more of Moo's zone. I did see Moo do a couple of surgeries and stitch people up a couple times but I was way to nervous to try and do it myself. Brock said it was for the best that I didn't try, I bet it was just his way of saying I suck at everything pretty much.

I sighed and walked into weapons, expecting Anthony to be the only one to be there. Anthony was in fact sitting on the laser seat where from time to time, he had to shoot asteroids that came to close to the ship. He's pretty good at this job which is why he's mostly in charge of asteroids. Who I didn't expect to see here was none other then Tyler Wine. I quietly walked up from behind, seeing that he was cleaning a weapon of his. "Howdy Doody Wildcat" I said chipperly with a smile.

Wildcat glanced behind him with a bored look. "What do you want Nogla" Tyler muttered bluntly. I just chuckled, "nothing, I just wanted to say hi is all" I replied and Tyler rolled his eyes. Wildcat turned around completely, walking up to me. "Here" he exclaimed, holding out a pistol to me, I stared at it confused on why he was offering this to me. "Uhhh....what's this for.." I asked, reluctantly accepting the gun from his hands.

Wildcat held a straight face, sighing as he crossed his arms. "We can't be too sure what we find on that ship...we need to be prepared, unlike you guys, I think about this kind of stuff" Tyler explained. I suddenly felt more confuse then before and he grumbled. "Okay, I'm going to explain this so simple, someone as dumb as you with a tiny pea brain can even understand" Tyler teased, poking the middle of my forehead. "I'M NOT DUMB" I shouted smacking Tyler's hand, "are you sure about that, cause you look pretty dumb to me" Tyler said with a cheeky grin. I clinched my teeth as my face heated up, glaring hard at Tyler.

I raised a finger at Tyler, "well maybe ye are just a-", "CAN YOU GUYS QUIT ARGUING LIKE A FOUR YEAR OLD MARRY COUPLE AND GO ARGUE SOMEWHERE ELSE" Anthony yelled at the two of us. "THIS IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, ANTHONY" we yelled in sync. We glanced at each other for moment then burst out laughing, "come on Nogla, let's continue this conversation of ours somewhere more private" Tyler mumbled. Wildcat then pulled me by my hand and dragged me to O2. I sighed, feeling a bit light headed and dizzy from being dragged suddenly. No one was in O2 as usual, since everything in O2 was always in pretty good condition.

I shook my head and quietly let out a yawn. "So wha were ye sayin" I asked, giving Tyler my attention. "So to explain it simply to you, let me ask you a question, don't you think it's a bit strange that a ship signals a S.O.S and doesn't give any information whatsoever" Tyler questioned. "Well, I guess yeah, it's a tiny bit strange" I replied quietly. "A tiny bit strange, that's a lot more strange than a tiny bit, I mean think about it, you send out a S.O.S, don't you think you would tell people what the hell is wrong or what the problem is...this is giving me bad vibes, you and I both know that my suspensions are never wrong" Wildcat claimed and I nodded slowly. He was Mr.Knowitall, when Tyler had a bad feeling about something, he usually is right.

I sighed looking him straight in the eye, "I believe ya Tyler" I assured and he smiled. "Thanks Nogla, I knew you'd understand, you're a great friend" Tyler stated. I felt like a spear just went through my heart as I heard those words. I honestly felt like crying on the inside, I just got friend zoned. I don't think I was going to be able to recover that. "Just a friend" I whispered and instantly regretted saying those words.

Wildcat let out a laugh, "aww, are you jealous that Evan's my bestfriend, how about this...you can hang with me when we get on that ship" Wildcat suggested, putting an arm around me. Wildcat's smile was so cute, I couldn't help but stare. It was a rare sight to see Wildcat smile like this, considering how moody he looks all the time. I frowned a little thinking back on his words. Thinking, wow, I didn't know Tyler could be this oblivious of my very painfully obvious feelings for him, although with that thought in mind. It's hard to tell that I could have any sort of feels towards him considering we are complete opposites.

I guess the saying is correct after all, opposites do attract. Not that I'm saying Tyler has any sort of attraction towards me since it's pretty obvious he sees me as just another friend of his. Which, honestly, kinda hurts if I'm being completely honest. Although, it felt like forever that we were standing here, it was only mere seconds. "Yeah.....that sounds nice" I murmured, a light blush resting on my cheeks. I waved Tyler off, speed walking away before I could make more of a fool of myself.

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