Chapter 1 (Tragedy)

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Sitting around the table with a couple of men discussing the agreement that has been set up with my dad at his private small home on the end of the beach front, I looked at each one of the them individually. My father was not happy about this and I could see this in his expression his face was set in a frown. I was drawn out of my thoughts as the one man spoke up again

"Marco you see with this the two companies can make each other more richer than we already are" the man called Maroni addressed him looking back at the papers and then at me
"Mr. Maroni I have set my terms for this, I don't see why merging the two companies can benefit for the both of us besides it will be only one more year till my son takes over from me than he can make this decision" my dad replied in which I stood up and walked towards the balcony still hearing the conversation that was discussed

"Marco if you don't do this now then we can lose a lot of business" Mr. Maroni replied sliding the papers back to my father
"Maybe your business but mine, we have been doing good without any of your help, I think that your business needs me more and my money" my father scoffed

"You and I both know that this agreement can be good for business-"
"Why are you in such a hurry Maroni?" my father interrupted I turned my thoughts out of the conversation

Looking over the blue ocean I sighed in one year I had to take over Blacc Enterprises and I was not ready for it. My father was doing great on his own and I could never fill his shoes, I was still a bachelor and loving it, I wasn't one sleeping around with every girl or a wild man on the hunt as they would call it. If my father needed me I was there to help him but this agreement was something both my father and I did not like.

These men where more of the greedy types and if we would agree to this then everything my father have worked for would be all for nothing. Merging the two companies would mean our shares would escalate and they would have the upper hand even if we made a wrong move they can take it out from under us and Blacc Enterprises stood on their own. If only this idiot understood the word no, we had been back and forth with this but they kept on coming back

"Son" I heard my father say standing next to me looking up at him I could see this life was draining him. The age could show in his tired eyes the wrinkles could show every sign of what he has been through, hell after 50 years starting a business from scratch and ending up a multibillion dollar Enterprise I can imagine what that can only do to a person.
"Papa" I replied and looked back at the water splashing against the shores

"I just wish these people could understand that we do not need this right now" he said placing his hands on the railing in front of us

"I Understand Papa but how can we get it in their head without having bad vibesbetween the companies I mean it will be good for business but not ours" Ireplied frowning

"I have asked James to take over and explain everything to them because in my opinion they will never back the fuck off" he replied and I gave a soft laugh, James was the right hand man to handle any situation and maybe sometimes bad stuff, but when it came to Blacc Enterprise he was the man to back my father

"Yeah leave it up to James and maybe they will never return" I said looking at the table and then back at him
"You know in a year when you take over I can only see great things happening to you and the company son, I am very proud of you" his deep Italian accent said with pride and turned towards me a serious expression masking his true facial features I knew something was on his mind

"Papa is everything okay? You know I can never full your shoes but when the time comes I will make sure I keep your standards in the Companies" I replied placing my hand on his shoulder

"Hayden if anything happens promise me-"
"Papa please don't say that" I felt nervous all of a sudden
"Hayden please just listen-"
"Nothing will happen papa besides what could they possibly do?" I interrupted but before anything else was said we heard two gunshots go off. I looked at my father and saw red coating his white dress shirt. His eyes turned lifeless and face paled

"Papa" I held on to him
"Son don't trust anyone" was his last reply before the ringing in my ears started
"Papa" my voice was barley over a whisper and the ringing got louder, I felt numb and the next thing I knew complete darkness took over me and fell to the ground.

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