print('Hello World!')

Start from the beginning

If only she could see her own in the same context.

"Would you like a live demonstration of the device?" Richtofen spoke relatively from behind her.

It definitely seemed rather unsafe if this Group 935 had conducted – from what she knew – to only be five tests, with four fatalities before teleportation was even achieved, and the weird case of the missing dog, that she'd almost forgotten about its limited capabilities as a functioning teleporter.

She had yet to respond to the man's query,

But he was already at the console to the teleporter and was looking rather annoyed with it.

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The teleporter's console, glowing buttons and whirring machinery aside, did not indicate that there was a connection to the mainframe. Only serving to displease the Doctor further.

Of course, the simplest plan in existence would have the most stupid interference ever.

If he were to carry out his impromptu murder, he would need her to stay put. Chloe had seemed interested enough in the teleporters that he could possibly just leave her here.

After all, those morons had clearly made no effort in reconnecting them to the mainframe... typical.

Along with the power disaster last night, he surprisingly did not expect any less. They were careless, boring, and incredibly ineffective when it came to non-combat related tasks.

If he could, he would give them a fairly good grilling of their incompetence, once again.

Turning away from the unsuspecting woman, he quickly waked towards the doors of the building.

"Where are you going?" She curiously asked.

However naive she seemed, it certainly unnerved him knowing how acutely aware she was of her surroundings.

"I'm sure you are capable of staying put for a few moments, aren't you?" the Doctor sneered.

"I'd rather join you to be honest." She replied, happily walking up to meet him.

As reluctantly as he hoped she would stay, his top priority was to link the teleporters, no matter how much the woman needed to be dealt with.

But first, the others needed a talking to.

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The three men had decided to regroup. With no direction from the Doctor and countless protests from Takeo on why Dempsey should not bash down the door to Richtofen's office and rescue the girl, they had met in the courtyard for a brainstorming session.

Throughout the time spent arguing, they had gotten nowhere closer in re-liking the teleporters.

The sun had reached past the mid-point in the sky by now, and the three men had begun to feel uneasy as to the lack of undead crawling around the facility. Since last night when the woman arrived, they had been sure that the zombies would return, but to no avail.

The facility's unnatural silence made the situation worse when they heard footsteps echoing from the animal testing laboratory.

As they glanced around at the potential 'spawning places' as they were called, the men readied their guns, huddled by the mainframe.

...Before an unlikely pair ventured around the corner.

The men sighed in relief at the sight of both Richtofen and the woman; They seemed to have been discussing something prior to both scientists joining them in the courtyard.

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